R1T10: Gek'k moves towards the fourth troglodyte and readies an attack should it make any moves to.

R1T9: Dorit steps forward and does a NL shield slam at the first trog, but she's not quite used to the movement.

R1T0: The very sluggish last troglodyte drops its javelin, and begins to move towards Dorit with its hand ready to bring out its club when it suddenly takes a blow to its left elbow for 6, and blood begins to pour for 1. Gek'k then appears.

Ichibod, battle has started in the next room ...

End Round 1, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T19-16: One of the trogs moves to help his suddenly beleaguered compatriot. It is one of its finest swings, but where Dorit is a juggernaut, Gek'k's still is just as handy at keeping him from harm.

The other two focus on Dorit. One misses entirely, but the other swings as valiantly as its other fellow, but its weapon hits metal plate.

R2T9: Dorit whallops her first foe for 9 NL with the shield, followed by a 5 NL smack with her sword. Trog 1's head is wringing, but it is still standing.

R2T1: Gek'k? You now have two opponents, including the one you actually injured. What do you do?

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

T1: 19. (20:20, 14 NL)
T2: 17.
T3: 16.
Dorit: 9.
Gek'k: 1.
T4: 0. (13:20). BLEED!!

Teofilo: 22.
* Rolled '1' today on UMD with wand of mage armor.
Lilim: 20.
Hülya: 15.
Ichibod: 13.
* Mage armor[/I]. Light: scabbard of dagger.

Trog3: 7.
Rezah: 4.


Spoiler: Troglodyte Casualties
Entrance: 1 Trog dead, another at -3.