We are proud to present Avalanche: an epic campaign and its application

Avalanche is a multi-storyline campaign set in a Dark Fantasy setting. It is compatible with (almost) any systems but as soon as our stretch goals get financed, will provide rules, guidelines and character sheets for:

Since avalanche is really voluminous (almost 400 page including over 40 npc,15 races, 20 organizations, 15 major locations and over 300 events depicting three month of campaign), we had to bring it to you in a new format. A format more suitable to a campaign that hangs on time as it's driving tool. So the Kickstarter is also about a web site dedicated to manage Avalanche. Here are some screen shot of what we want to bring to you:

We are really exited about this project and we hope you will be to!

Don't hesitate to like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Existanc3?fref=ts

Israël Ducharme
Game designer, ExiStanc3