Seeking a DM willing to take on a Pathfinder Game with a more open crafting take on things....and possibly Gestalt.

Recruitment Thread Link

The World? I leave this part up to you.
If I had to suggest something; Concept Wise; I've been thinking a World like Eberron that instead of a lengthy war; had an industrial revolution. The Secrets of magic instead of being hidden in the hands of wizard and clerics; became more wide knowledge and day to day. Almost anybody with a bit of time and practice can make basic magical items.

Things I'd like to see; but can be discussed:
  • Cheaper Magical Items (Which also makes them cheaper/quicker to create). Half Cost Seems to work out well; least by my math. (So Magic Item Creation is 1/4th cost of what they are in the books; but still locked out by normal entry of magic item creation feats and caster levels)
  • Gestalt - this can be discussed; but I would really like to try this idea out with a gestalt build. Especially since Core PF has no artificer
  • Play by Post - This is really the only part I can't leave up for discussion; I just don't have the set schedule to really play a game on anything but play by post. But..if we were able to work out small parcels of time for Combat using Roll20 or maptools or something of the sort; That works for me.