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Thread: Seeking a DM

  1. - Top - End - #269
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    Evil Duo game focused on cult and empire building looking for a DM.

    Any system you are comfortable with.

    We are not looking to play stupid evil but more in the area of strange, lovecraftian or uncaring Evil. Less kicking puppies for fun and more sacrifice your breath or a summers day to gain powers. Why not create an army of cauldron born when we have all these dead lying in mass graves from the last plague.

    (From the recruitment thread:)

    The setting and feel of the campaign is somewhere between silent hill and Arkam horror. The players (two siblings, possibly twins) come from the small town of Croatoan. A town which has slowly drifted away from peoples memories due to strange events and forces. The town is a strange haunted place where the boundaries between our world and "the otherworld" is thin and where cracks in reality let eldritch powers reach out and touch the minds and bodies of those sensitive to such things. The players are orphans touched by such forces and are directly or indirectly cause to the towns descent into darkness. What remains of the populace are weak or twisted beings and for the most part members of a cult. This cult is sprung from the local church and run by the players (indirectly acting as "heads" for the beings from beyond). The goal of the siblings/campaign is to expand their otherwordly power and/or spread the influence of the things from beyond.

    Link to thread ----> Croatoan Rising!
    Last edited by Tiny; 2014-03-19 at 06:06 PM.