I'm currently recruiting for a short, vanilla Pathfinder campaign set in Brevoy.

Quote Originally Posted by GenPol View Post
Problems in Privska

Mayor Ivan Nevidka was returning home to Privska from the nearby town of Lebskov when his carriage was attacked by goblins! They made off with all of his valuables, including his emerald signet ring, the symbol of his office as Mayor of Privska. The distraught mayor hasn’t left his bedroom since the theft, and the citizens are beginning to get annoyed.

The Town Wizard, an old Gnome named Torinth the Eighth, has offered a 1,000 gold piece reward to anybody who can return the Mayor’s ring. Torinth (affectionately known as Toad by the inhabitants of Privska), believes the goblins to be hiding in the ruins of the tower of his exiled predecessor, Torinth the Tenth.

Who can bring the mayor out of his bedroom?


Welcome! I'm GenPol, and I'm hoping to run a low-level Pathfinder game to reacquaint myself with Pathfinder, and to learn about how Play-by-Post games work. I've never GMed a PbP before, so bear with me!

The game will be set in the world of Golarion, largely in the Rostlands region of the Kingdom of Brevoy. Privska, the starting point, is a small town located on the banks of the East Stellen River, south of New Stetven. I'm going for something pretty vanilla, just so I can get a grip PbP games.

"16" Questions:

System: Pathfinder.
Player Count: 4, with 4 more standbys in the case of player inactivity or character death.
Style of Play: I hope to keep it varied, but my emphasis will probably be on roleplaying, then hack & slash and puzzle solving. Please roleplay amongst yourselves as possible, when traveling or resting.
Allowed Content: You can use anything by Paizo, but if you use anything outside of the Core Rulebook, please clearly indicate where it came from.
Character Creation:

  • Backstory: At least 100 words, no more than 300. Try to work in how your character came to live in Privska, if they weren't born there.
  • Experience: Starting at level 1, so 0.
  • Wealth: Class average or roll here.
  • Ability Scores: 20 point buy, or roll the standard 4d6 best 3, six times. If you choose to roll and the value of your ability scores according to the point buy system is less than 10, you can try again.
  • Hitpoints/Health: Max at first level, roll or take average after that.
  • Alignment: Whatever you want.

Other Notes: I'll take the best four submissions, and choose three or four more people to keep on standby, in case one of the chosen players falls inactive or there's a character death.

I'll be trying to post at least once every two days, but feel free to post and roleplay amongst yourselves in my absence. I'll be rolling your initiatives for you to speed up combat.

This is going to be a short game, probably not going past level 6. I'm looking for a well rounded party, so please don't feel bad if you get rejected.

Thanks in advance!