Quote Originally Posted by Carl View Post
Um seriously? I'd expect being able to configure separators within coding tags like the table tags to be one of the basic options in your various configuration files back there.

More to the point, could you therefore explain how this is supposed to be an upgrade to the software? Not trying to be snarky here but i don't honestly expect any kind of improvements out of a forum software change who's new software can't handle something as basic as tables in a GUI friendly manner.

Also, clarification, you have vertical separation between the tags in your example, is that actually necessary or can it be laid out:

{tr}{td}Cell 1{/td}{td}Cell 2{/td}{td}Cell 3{/td}{/tr}
{tr}{td}Cell 1{/td}{td}Cell 2{/td}{td}Cell 3{/td}{/tr}

I guess it is a matter of tastes, but I personally think it is a really good upgrade. I really hate the current/old(?) system of "|" and "\n". It just makes it really messy to organize big tables. [In fact I did find it easier to write a Perl script to write BBcode for it instead of manipulating the BBcode myself...]
Sure it will be a bit harder to crank out a small table, but Rawhide even said there will be GUI-support for it (which should make it much easier!). But I really am looking forward to be able to put the content of each cell in a separate rows.

And I can't say anything sure on it, but I would it find really strange if the whitespace outside of the cells does matter. (If that would be the case, then I would say it would be an downgrade.)

@erikun: I would assume that it is handled exactly as it is now (since you can already supply a width option with the current tables). So if you don't need a particular width, just don't use that option and let the table figure it out somehow.