We are going to be updating the forum software soon, and one of the unavoidable results of this is that the existing TABLE code will be changing. As a result, all existing tables in all posts will be broken. They will cease to be displayed as tables and will instead be seen as their raw BB code. (Actually, they would vanish entirely except we'll be doing a mass search-and-replace to switch all existing TABLE tags from square to curly brackets, allowing the text to still be seen).

If you have any posts that you wish to keep tables in—especially homebrew—you will need to manually edit the code once the new software has been installed in order for them to keep being displayed as tables. The new formatting rules are presented in their entirety below, and you can ask for assistance there as well. We're also aware that there are a number of oft-referenced "legacy" homebrew creations where the original creator has since stopped participating actively in the forum altogether. The moderators will be working on updating as many of these popular threads as possible for those who have not visited in a while. Once the forum software has been updated, we will start a thread for posters to suggest specific such threads for the moderators to edit in their creators' absence.

It is also possible—if unlikely—that the find-and-replace might miss a table. If you notice a post with a missing table, you can still access the data within the table by clicking "Quote" (unless the thread has been closed). There is also a small chance that we might run into dawizard (alt) from daparty with dasticks. As with old threads, we will be instituting a reporting system for such instances when they're found.

We understand that this is a huge pain-in-the-ass for posters who have been creating game content on this forum for a long time, but it's an unavoidable side effect of updating the extremely outdated forum software to better serve the entire community. The new code will be more difficult to play with directly, but will ultimately give posters more control over table layouts, enabling new ways of presenting information. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this transition that will ultimately help the Giant in the Playground forums continue into its second decade of service.