A while back, I played a solo trisalt game where the DM used a DM emulator as an assistant. So, looking for a DM willing to run a game starting at 1st level, with homebrew/third party books.

The first side would be the Troll and War Troll classes, with generic warrior to fill the last levels.

The second side starts off with Mineral Warrior, before going Titanic, and finishing with Fighter.

The third side is a Barbarian Fix.

The third party books would be The first and Second Quintessential Barbarian. Items I would want to use are the Primitive Mountian Barbarian chatacter concept (Track as a bonus feat, +4 on climb checks, and cold resist 5), The Ambush, Survival Of The Fittest, Natures Chosen, Savage Cleave and Ultimate Cleave feats.

He will be a tough and savage warrior, an Apex Predator.