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Thread: General Crowdfunding Thread, Mark I

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    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Las Vegas

    Default Re: General Kickstarter Thread, Mark I

    Arcane Synthesis: A Blended-Genre Anthology
    Eight tales blending magic, mystery, advanced technology, superheroes and horror, set within our vast, blended-genre RPG Cosmoverse.

    Hi all,
    Check out our fiction anthology (Only 8 days left to fund!)

    With Ed Greenwood, Steven Schend, Darrin Drader, and other great authors and artists on board (and a terrific batch of rewards starting at $1), we're excited and chomping at the bit to move forward! We've got a ways to go, but I know we can make it if we stand together!

    All of our stories are based on our Cosmoverse Campaign Setting and Cosmothea Blended-Genre Roleplaying Game. If we can get our fiction to fly then we'll be moving forward with our RPG products and more fiction in the days ahead!
    Last edited by QT Games; 2014-01-26 at 03:34 AM.