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Thread: Seeking a DM

  1. - Top - End - #193
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    Reincarnation Wars

    Reincarnation Wars
    Please PM if you are interested.
    I'm looking for a GM for my old dead game "Reincarnation Wars" . . .
    In it, we play as the ourself, the current Reincarnation of 3-5 past Reincarnations of fictional characters. In other words, say that I start the Reincarnation Wars RP. . .

    If I chose to start the game with only 3 allowed characters, I could choose Adam Jensen (Deus Ex Machina), Jake Armitage (Shadowrun), and Commander Shepard (Mass Effect). I would be Armin, from the real world, only my past three Reincarnations are the fictional characters I'd name, and I would have the abilities of all the characters.
    Last edited by ArlEammon; 2013-11-23 at 03:59 PM.