Day After Ragnarok, a two-fisted diesel punk game of high adventure set in a surreal alternative earth, is currently recruiting two new players.

The game’s been going for almost eighteen months now, with a brief three-month hiatus; this is my attempt to restart it.

We ‘re using the Savage World Revised Core edition for the game; not the newest iteration of the SW rules, but sturdy enough for our purposes. Players will also need the Day After Ragnarok SW edition source book, which is available from DrivethruRPG.

Interested parties should PM me with their characters ideas or to ask questions about the setting and the campaign itself. DAR is a great world to role-play in, with all the tropes you’d expect from a pulp setting – not to mention one of the strangest and gosh-darned cool end of the world scenarios you’ll ever likely to come across. Download the book; check it out. While you're at it, check out the old IC thread too: