Terms Of Service Friendly Conspiracy Theory:
This RP is similar to the X-Files, with the show Heroes combined. In addition, it incorporates Elements of Shadow Run

So, the world is held in a Matrix. No, this isn't "The Matrix", and it's not too similar to the movie, although it has some minor similarities. This RP is built on a premise another Playgrounder began, ourselves with some Paranormal powers added, who are recruited by an X-Files like entity.

The Matrix is a world wide, some say even Stellar, Inter-Stellar, or perhaps even Star Cluster wide net that acts as protection of some kind against extra-terrestrial and terrestrial threats. The Matrix helps to hold paranormal powers in check, aliens, cyborgs, mad scientists, sorcerers, gods, demons, even dinosaurs, believe it or not, in check. Somewhere in our inner minds, in theory, we Humans are aware of this reality, but as a matter of practice, we don't know anything about anything.

This is the year 200?. We are our normal selves (Although we are shunted back at least six years ago with our current age). All of us have our own strengths, weaknesses, traits and attributes that can make our calling in the Matrix Agency useful. Furthermore, we might not be in the position to refuse their "request" to participate in their Agency. Their whole point of existence is recruiting those in the world and across the country who some how possess paranormal powers that aren't suppressed by the Net.