R10T10: "Everyone behind me." Dorit waits for the others.

End Round 10, Begin Round 11 ...

R11T28: Ichibod, what do you do?

The Scribe on deck, Jolly in the hole ..


HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED!
The Scribe: 25. Protection from evil.
* Cat's grace. Altar.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Smite vs Magister Khrysm.
* Spiritual weapon til end R13T21.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Magister Khrysm: 10.5. (74:86). Shield. AC 25!
* Bombs (4). Used invisibility spell.
* Potions: CMW (2). Acid (4).
* Run @ 12 hit points.
Dorit: 10. DELAY!!!
* Bull's strength. Enlarge person.