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Thread: Currently Recruiting Players

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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default [Re-Recruitment] The Spires Of Manhattan - Genius the Transgression PBP

    IC Thread

    OOC Thread

    Voltt City is a modest little dystopia in the heart of New York, where the world's fears of capitalism gone mad come home to roost. It may not have much in the way of human rights for those who can't pay the bill for them, but it's always been receptive to mad scientists willing to sell their inventions to the highest bidder. And they come, whether to help the endless grinding poverty in the slums, relax in ways considered unethical by less morally flexible venues, or simply run an old-fashioned get-rich-quick scheme - and there are empires for the winning in those gleaming skyscrapers.

    But now, corporations and their politicians are growing increasingly uneasy. How can you keep your wealth when thieves can phase through walls? How can you feel safe, when your guards can be reprogrammed to serve the enemy; or simply vaporized, their weapons useless against forcefield-enhanced armour?

    A series of crackdowns across the city have begun. Quiet, acknowledged by the press as targeting "terrorist assets" or "technical risks", but sure. A small group of geniuses, quietly provisioned by a corrupt mega-corp leader worried his supply of cloned dancing girls and holographic entertainments are about to dry up, plans to uncover whoever is behind this sudden shift - and the attacks on them, personally.

    But they are few in number, and vaguely incompetent. So first, it's time to pick up some coffee!


    This is a game of Genius: the Transgression; a free(!) fan-made game that uses the Storytelling System. The main characters are Inspired; brilliant but broken people who can create amazing things. (They're mad scientists.)

    We have room for perhaps four or five characters; assuming people will probably drop out, as they tend to do in PBP games. If you want to submit a character sheet, we've been using PiratePad, which allows everyone to add suggestions and notes. Starting XP is 5.

    If you have any questions, just ask! On the OOC thread or via PM.
    Last edited by MugaSofer; 2013-10-31 at 11:23 AM.