In Eclipse Phase, death is a disease - one that has been cured. Die, and you get resleeved from your stack. If your stack is lost, or you're irreversibly crazy, then you get resleeved from backup - and if you're smart, you back up any time you're about to do something stupid and dangerous (like go on an adventure).

Of course, that doesn't mean there aren't incentives to, well, quit while you're ahead. Or before you get farther behind. Bad rep, lack of credits, etc, could easily wind up with you stuck in a simulation space, unemployed and without so much as the ability to feel the wind in your face. And for those characters who value their mental continuity, there's nothing like an encounter with deadly bioweapons and insane killbots to make you question your choice of career.

Thus far, I haven't had anyone actually chicken out - but I do have PCs that continually want to not go on adventures and just stick around the habitat doing science, and are growing increasingly wary of doing anything ever that involves risk to them (to my also-increasing annoyance).