Quote Originally Posted by AgentPaper View Post
This doesn't make much sense. From your description, they seem to be roughly the same size as a human, and flight-capable animals tend to be much lighter than similar-sized animals.

Normally this wouldn't really bother me much, but it just seems strange that you're so concerned about the intricate details of the joints of the armor they would "realistically" use, but so willing to hand-wave away the basic principles of biology and physics.
Quote Originally Posted by warty goblin View Post
Crazy biology is the buy-in for the premise; it's just what you've gotta accept to get anywhere with the concept. Crazy weaponry/armor isn't required for the concept, conditional on the biology working out in the first place.
Thank you warty, that is an exelent responce.

Agent, I understand your concerns, but in my very first post in this thread I established that physics apply EXCEPT when it comes to the physiology of the Drakes. I'd be more concerned about that if this was for science fiction, but though I hadn't gone looking for a specific explanation, the magic system I've got for their setting would handle this without comment, despite not being practical for casting- in fact, it's use to give a supernatural physiology would actually reduce their natural casting abilities making having their equipment be practical all the more important.