Red Aegis "A millennia-spanning, strategic tabletop roleplaying game from industry award-winning designers Brian R. James and Matt James."

Brian James is the guy who compiled a fan timeline of the entire Forgotten Realms and got it published by WoTC (The Grand History of the Realms). Both of them have many other D&D credits and I'm really interested to see how this game shakes out.

I'm probably not going to pledge though.

The SAGE level pledge ($75) is the first pledge level that gets you a hard copy of the Core rulebook. There's a lower level pledge ($20) that gets you a hard copy of the Players Guide but those who want the full rules to the game have got to put out at least $75, plus shipping (an extra $34 outside the U.S.)

I really want to support them but I can't justify spending 75+ on a Core rulebook and I'm not interested in just getting the Players Guide because I actually want to run the game.

Everyone has different gaming budgets though, so if it won't hurt your wallet then definitely pledge...and then leave a comment on the KS asking for lower prices.