My first game to reach Xykon's lair "ended" about an hour ago, but we weren't sure on how to handle Xykon exactly. It was a short game (2 player), so we were on level 4, and I enter the Throne Room and find Xykon. Unluckily, just prior to this, I had picked up a new battle deck hand consisting of a beige dragon and three demon roaches (one was the king). My friend chose to put a leader with horde ability down beneath Xykon along with something else, so I already had to put at least the rest of my battle hand in the room as well. Seeing as this consisted of the three henchmen, the battle size was suddenly so big, that we couldn't avoid supporting something with horde, no matter what we put down (more or less). When we were done, the rest of the battle deck cards were in that pile, giving Xykon 68 attack and defense from the 25 undead and goblins under him. Is this right? We ended the game shortly after, seeing as none of us (Roy, Durkon) could anything about him like that.