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Thread: Currently Recruiting Players

  1. - Top - End - #76
    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    South Florida

    Default Re: Currently Recruiting Players

    Hello fellow roleplayers and dungeon masters!

    The Lands of Bavidirian is not safe anymore and the free people of Rondor are searching for heroes to help fight those that wish the lands harm.

    The problem: Demons have proven victorious after the last Great War against the armies of dark elves. Now they desire more power and surface the Lands of Bavidirian scorching and killing everything in their way. Most of the towns and villages have been destroyed and the races of the lands are forced to unite in the free city of Rondor. It is the last town of hope to save that of mankind.

    You are an adventurer seeking a way to make it in this world and hoping to survive the turmoil’s ahead.

    Come join me on an unique fantasy strategy play by post game at
    Last edited by greendragon123; 2013-04-09 at 07:50 PM.