Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post

Since you have used the words 'attractive' and 'anglerfish' in the same sentence I'm going to assume you don't know what one or both of those words mean.
Well, actually, I think you did a pretty good job for the most part with her. I just would like the eyes somewhat bigger and more expressive (to make her a bit more relatable), though still pupil-less and angler fish-y, and her "hair" would be likely to actually be bioluminescent feelers with lights at the end for when yo ucolor it, but other than that, yeah, I think you've got the "attractive," "anglerfish-y" and "Built like a brick $%&#house" parts down.

The rest of the motley crew is great too, especially the Thri-Keen, though I'm not sure which one is the elf and which is the Changeling.

And on the "Sexy anglerfish" thing, I've been on the internet long enough to know that you can make anything into a sexy monstergirl. I've seen enough "sexy Xenomorph" art to be assured of that (Though oddly little on Geiger's actual sexy alien, Sil).

I have seen sexy fanart of Ro-Man and the aliens from The Deadly Spawn. Hell, have you not heard of Thri-Keen Erotica? (NSFW for obvious reasons). The internet will turn any monster it loves into a monstergirl, logic be damned.