Quote Originally Posted by tbok1992 View Post
Well, the setting has Highlander-inspired Beholders and Anne Rice-inspired wig-wearing Mindflayers*, so I would not consider ridiculousness much of a problem.

But it's a good start, especially on the weapon, though I'd suggest perhaps making the handle of the polearm/drill/chainsaw look something like a rifle, and adding some barbs to the drills to allow for a greater "grip" as they pass by. I'm thinking of them as wallcutting/digging tools as well as weapons, so you know where I'm coming from.

*I haven't written those up, but they're coming, I swear!
Barbed drills. 0.o

Day 693: The Rejects

Continuing sketches, this time with designs for your adventuring party.

Since you have used the words 'attractive' and 'anglerfish' in the same sentence I'm going to assume you don't know what one or both of those words mean.


Time: 25 minutes
Music: Fig Jam