I noticed there's no "standard" or whatever for the basic write-up for classes, or whater. Like there is with creatures.
I use, for prestige classes,

Name of Prestige Class
How many levels in the prestige class
-An image depicting some archetype of the class-

An artsy-fartsy description of an encounter with a person who has the prestige class, or similar.

A short description of how the class works, what it's like, that sort of thing, with an ellipses leading into...

Alignment- What alignment the character must be
Type- What type (and/or subtype)
Race- What race
Age- How old
Ability Modifiers- Str Mod of +3, that sorta thing
Skills- What skills, how many ranks
Class Features- Such as "Bardic Music- Must be able to Inspire Competence" or "Smite Evil- Must be able to Smite Evil as a level 20 Paladin", that sort of thing
Base Attack Bonus- What BAB is required
Saves- What kind of saves
Feats- What feats
Spells- What spells
Psionics- What powers
Special- "Must wear plaid pants", that sort of thing

Hit Die- What kind of hit die to use
BAB and Saves- short version of later table, "Good", "As Monk", etc.
Skills-The Class skills of the Prestige Class (and the relevant ability scores) are (whatever). The Prestige Class gains (something) skill points per level.
Proficiencies- What proficiencies are gained, also remark on how armor or weapons affect class abilities and features
Spells- Short version of later table, "As Wizard", "Two Spells Per Day Per Level", etc
Psionics- Short version of later table, "9 power points per level", "As Wilder", etc.

(tables putting all that stuff the long way)

Special Class Ability (Ex/Su/Sp)- Description
Feel free to delete any sections which don't apply. Most prestige classes don't require certain ages or types, for example.


[i]Description (narrative)[/i]


[i]Ability Modifiers[/i]-
[i]Class Features[/i]-
[i]Base Attack Bonus[/i]-

[i]Hit Die[/i]-
[i]BAB and Saves[/i]-


[i]Special Class Ability (Ex/Su/Sp)[/i]-

-I hope that helps. I've started reformatting my old threads to add in tables and such (previously it was "BAB and Saves- As Monk" and so on).