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Thread: General Crowdfunding Thread, Mark I

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    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Re: It just keeps getting better and better...

    Quote Originally Posted by Grinner View Post
    The FATE Kickstarter. Yeah. Crazy, right?

    • Do you think it'll make it to the 400k stretch goal?
    • What do you think it is?
    • What's your favorite stretch goal, anyway?

    For me:
    • No ****ing way.
    • Hardcopies of the core book for everyone.
    • CrimeWorld. It's supposed to be written by the head writer of Leverage. How can you not love that?

      The magic toolkit comes in at a close second, since I heard that the writer wanted to incorporate Faustian pacts.

    Incidentally, if anyone wants to play a PbP game about pactmaking con-men later, I'm game.
    I started at $30 and upped mine to $55 after the magic system preview came out last week. I like FATE, and I'm contractually bound to support anything with a cyborg martial-artist gorilla on the cover.

    I love that we're actually getting preview PDFs of some of the promised supplements. This is awesome for two reasons. (1) INSTANT GRATIFICATION, just like with the core book available immediately upon pledging; and (2) Well... we have to face it - this is a massive kickstarter with a lot of promises. And seeing that most of the work is already done on the stretch goals is reassuring as all hell.

    But yeah, I'm pumped Rogers is giving us a crime-based FATE supplement. His RPG and comic work (especially the D&D comics) is amazing enough to forgive him Catwoman and The Core.

    Last edited by obryn; 2013-01-20 at 12:41 AM.