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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Re: Lords of Creation: History of The Usurpers IC

    "Why, but of course I will tell you my plans, I have no reason to hide anything" Hubris none too happy that he was being questioned, but able to mask it fairly well, "I plan on creating, alongside my glorious Queen, a new pantheon, a great pantheon, and of course, you shall join us if you wish it"

    You have a wife, my congratulations. I shall supply the necessary power to you so that you may start this glorious new pantheon and in return i hope that you will extend to me a favour as well when you can spare the effort.
    The arrogance was literally poring of this guy, Gallant knew that as long as he kept subservient he should be able to handle this lordling, but a wife, one who could tolerate this man, she might be a problem, Problems Gallant didn't like but challenges, challenges could be fun.
    Transfer 5 AP Hubris, 2 Ap Join Alliance, 4 AP left
    Last edited by KaiserSozay; 2013-01-14 at 11:34 AM.