Insanowar 10 is going to be going up soon, with one of DC's maps:

Quote Originally Posted by Darkcomet View Post

light blue=water
outer black lines near corners=walls
inner black lines near corners=symbolize rocky-ness
dark red=presumed-to-exist towers
As usual, things that seem to be differently sized that should be the same size are actually the same size.
Mostly, it uses the normal rules, but it's intended to be somewhat more high-powered, or at least have that potential. Deities are still inappropriate, but a good baseline would be fifty Space Marines from 40K for a pick. Of course, pure combat ability is not the only thing that matters - construction units, for instance, while allowed, will be in smaller groups than other kinds, due to their ability to give you more fighters.

Also, for similar reasons, each player will be getting fifteen picks, in a 2/3/5/5 order. So your first turn, you pick two, then three, and then you get five picks in each of the following two turns.

Due to the low turn-out last time, this game will be going back to the player-adjudicated method that was used in the first game, though this may be subject to change if we can get five players and a GM. (This is also a contributing factor for why people get more, and tougher, things.)

Finally, it's possible that there will be fewer than five players. I've got ideas about this, but hopefully the won't be necessary...

The thread will be submitted shortly, and should be up soon after that.