I can certainly think of other possibilities. Given the small amount of data, it feels like a more likely theory than any of the other four theories I have, but besides Mike, who really knows? For all we know it could be something referenced, like Kraken Rogers or Cloaker Cola. (Theory #2 of 5. I will not state the other three.)

I just don't want to see my friend fail, especially when his endeavor is my favorite webcomic. I remember, at work, years back, him showing me the first 3 comics in response to a comment I made about how it'd be fun to play a gelatinous adventurer (I've never been a fan of anything too normal). I believe my example was a half-gelatinous elf (They'd have the shape of an elf, the look/consistency of gelatin, and be able to wear clothes/speak/etc).

Back then, he only had three comics drawn and no intention to post them online or continue the series, despite me & a few other coworkers suggesting he do so. It was a few years before he finally decided to, to keep his drawing skills sharp by drawing once a week. (Judging by how great the comic looked, I believe he was quite successful in this endeavor.)

This stuff just comes so naturally to him too. When he wants to, he can just spout off pun after pun in casual conversation. Not crappy ones either. As a DM, his only notes would be monster stats and rarely a general map, if there was a particularly complex multi-room puzzle he wanted to pull off. He can pretty much make up everything as he's going and really make the stories immersive for his players.

My avatar here is of a character he was the DM for. We were an overpowered bunch, but he managed to keep us challenged despite this, and was even able to use the 4e skill challenge system in a nice way. He was the best DM I've had. Combining his DM storytelling skills and his great use of the difficult-to-master art of puns into a webcomic was genius.

Unfortunately, we're on different shores now, so no more games with him, but I've always looked forward to seeing his next comic.