{table=head]Your Name: Wytwyld, Luke| Available for Campaign: Not at the moment. Running one IRL right now.
Contact Information: PM | Posting Frequency Daily, or more often
Systems Known: D&D 3.5, Anima: Beyond Fantasy, World of Darkness, Wheel of Time d20, and Star Wars d20. I am willing to try others, I have the books for Exalted, Shard, Star Trek: TNG, Mutants and Masterminds, Lord of the Rings, Rifts: Past, Heroes Unlimited, and Blood of Heroes. | Campaign Types: I prefer the dark/survival type games, but can run high fantasy/adventure as well.
Sample Games: None online| Current or Future Games: I have a few in the works. Shard (sky pirates), Anima (demon hunters), D&D 3.5 (3 different stories in the works). Will post when ready.