As promised, here are the Masters Of The Industrial Elements requests. The first few, anyway.

1. The Faceless Prince. He's a major bad guy, and for his physical description I'll just quote the book:

Having forsaken his natural form for that of his
Lightning Body Incarnation, the Mad Prince appears as
a humanoid-shaped collection of copper segments
joined by arcs of lightning. His sections are rough,
scarred by decades of battles, and spotted with bluegreen
tarnish. As his title would suggest, the copper
lump that serves as his head is featureless and smooth.
Thick cables form his hair, hanging down to his knees.
He's also got a couple of gems stuck into chakra points on his body. One glows brightly yellow, the other glows grey.

He looks a bit like this, honestly. Which is why we're asking you for this one.

He leads an army of semi-robotic monsters in an industrial hellscape. So if you're looking for background elements, you'll want lots of hideous things and disturbing amalgamations of metal and flesh.

2. A wire spinner. A wire spinner is a mechanical spider the size of a man, which makes webs out of cables. Ideally, it'd be shown walking on its own wiry web. If that's too tricky to draw, it can stand on walls too.

3? Dunno whether you're up for landscape art, but if so the Black Vast could use an illustration.

It's a massive canyon between two metallic continental plates, bridged by wires spun by the aforementioned wire spinners. There's a village on the wire bridge, and all of its buildings are made of wires too. The scene is dark, but the village is dotted with alchemical lanterns.

Anyway, thanks in advance.

If you're having trouble coming up with something good, well, we can wait.