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Thread: Request an OotS Style Avatar XXI

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    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Re: Request an OotS Style Avatar XXI

    Ok this is a HUGE request so I understand if people just want to ignore this post entirely. Thanks in advance to anyone who even reads the description!

    This is a description of my favorite character I've ever made. He eventually became so powerful and awesome he became a deity in my friend's setting. His name is Zerasen; my username is obviously his. He's a race called a Zeshar (unique to the setting), but all you have to know is that he has an elf-like physique but without pointy ears (the rest is in the spoiler). Obviously he's a guy... He's a completely emotionless, very evil and effective assassin that is bent on absolute vengeance. This is rest of the description:

    A humanoid appears before you in a blur of black as he emerges from the darkness with supernatural speed. You can't see his face as it's covered by a featureless white porcelain mask but the expressionless voice that emerges is clearly male. The man before you wears a black trench coat with silver trim whose hood covers his head. It has long spacious sleeves and it ends in three long, pointed tails that brush the ground. It's fastened around the waist by clips and thin, dangling chains leaving the chest open. Hanging on his back from one of two parallel leather straps that wrap around his body, across his chest, you see a thick-bladed long sword wrapped from hilt to tip in white bandage-like cloth, concealing the entire sword. He wears a wrapping of thick black and gray cloth around his hips, over the coat, a strip of which hangs off his left side. Through two crossed leather belts over the wrapping, he has a simply decorated katana and wakizashi pair sheathed in black leather with a simple silver inlay, neither of which have their usually characteristic circle guard. Everywhere his skin would be exposed instead you can only see once-white, gray, dusty bandages tightly wrapped around his flesh. These bandages even wrap from around his calf, over his black pants, to around his feet and appear to serve as his shoes in a tabi-like form. The only organic seeming material on his body you can see is his shaggy straight black hair that hangs around the white mask, under the hood.

    I understand this is very detailed as far as avatars go so feel free to take liberties where you want, including pose. I don't mention this in the description, but he has a black katana-like mindblade as well that I'd like to be included. Lastly, he has an obsidian skull staff on his back, next to the sword (he didn't have it when the description was written), which can be included if desired (it'd make me VERY happy...). I'll honestly be happy with anything that looks somewhat like him at least
    Last edited by Zerasen; 2012-09-04 at 08:38 PM.