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    Orc in the Playground
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    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Default Re: My Little Pony XLVIII: I say Ol' Chap, how about those Equestrians?

    Quote Originally Posted by Deadly View Post
    Except Twilight refers to Starswirl as "he" and "Father of the the Amniomorphic Spell"
    THANK YOU! I knew I heard something implying that StarSwirl was a he, but given that I thought RD was a colt until "Suited for Success", I knew I could be mistaken...

    It is also entirely possible that a magic backlash at some point caused StarSwirl to grow a beard even tough she was a mare. Making the title entirely apt. I mean, a great mare wizard that happens to have a beard... It's obvious history would call her XXX the bearded
    Last edited by Zigg'rrauglurr; 2012-07-16 at 01:06 PM.
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