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    Ettin in the Playground
    BlasTech's Avatar

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    Aug 2011

    Default Re: My Little Pony XLVIII: I say Ol' Chap, how about those Equestrians?

    Thanks for the episode rec's everyone;

    Will be adding a few episodes to the laptop based on those mentioned. We probably won't watch any but just in case.

    Anyway, I've spent today reading the sourcebook for Roleplaying is Magic (among others) and it seems fairly straightforward, if rather flexible and seems focused mainly on encouraging co-operation between players in resolving challenges. This definitely gives it a pony flavour that might address your question earlier Siuis about what would make a RiM game a pony one.

    ... Interesting.

    EDIT: @^: Well, that statistic doesn't do wonders to the ole confidence