So let's see.
Storyteller - Anarion
Potential players - SiuiS, Brazen Shield, Forumexplorer, Amish Pirate

Storyteller - N/A
Potential players - SiuiS, Lix Lorn, Maxim25, Thanqol, Zigg'[syllables]

Storyteller - N/A
Potential players - Soras Teva Gee,

I know I'm missing some names here. Anything specific? Or is this sufficient?

Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
The hobo is a mage. He lives as a hobo to avoid the sin of pride.
I dunno. The only thing he owned was a fabulously expensive love seat he sat on like a railroad throne.

Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
Avoid the sin of pride? This is Mage we're talking about. It's a game of hubris. If he was really worried about his pride, he'd use magic to rip it out of his own brain, shape it into a Goetic Demon, and order it to destroy his enemies.

No, he lives as a hobo because temporal wealth is meaningless compared to the enlightenment he gains by freeing himself from the shackles of wealth and society.
Poor Areta. Totally would have gone this route an ended up a Seer, or worse.

Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
One of the tricks Mages have is to take their vices, rip them out of their heads in the form of demons, and then order them to do their bidding. While the demon is out and about the Mage doesn't suffer from that vice.
Yeah. Everyone else does.

Quote Originally Posted by Anarion View Post
Okay, I think something focused on a small town would be kind of fun. I still think probably changeling, with a more wilderness aspect to it.

Also I forgot that you lack the ability to make logical sense when you're getting descriptive. This is not actually a problem, however. I can totally work with this. Keep going.
What? No, that made perfect sense. Except the part that was intentionally word for word what the conspiracy but spent an hour telling me. While staring over my shoulder like she was reading my aura.

Seriously, didn't you know? All the WASPs are at war with the lesser people of the world, and are practicing modern gang warfare techniques to beat them at their own game!

I don't personally believe my morality has been tested enough to prove or disprove this. I believe in doing good, but can not say for certain that I would do good when faced with the proper temptation.
Huh. That's a good perspective on it. I think it's like sanity; being aware you may be off helps you keep steady. An awareness of morality as an ever present thing helps one keep an even keel.

See, I don't know that I'm confident to run a Mage game, having never actually played in one. You definitely converted me and I could probably make a go of it by copy-pasting everything you've ever said until people get wise to me, but I'd rather play in a game first before I run one for Mage.

Also, you were maybe an hour too slow compared to SiuiS wrangling people up.
Yeah. I'd love to run a game of Mage. But until I know what a game of Mage feels like - and here I trust Thanqol, passing on second hand knowledge from the world's best storyteller - I can't do it justice. A bad game is worse than no game at all. Deeds cannot be undone. Without several dots of time at least
Also, sorry about that. I'd be up for Mage too, Thanqol. But...

Dissapointing. You'll have to tell them about your take on Detroit's school systems.
Please do. I want to see I'd you can make it as depressing as the reality

Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
It's a wonderful thing.
It really is.