Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
It's understandably a creepy thing. If it helps, consider your mind (the full thing, brain and all) as you, and your personality is the main OS. It's possible to run little programs like NPCs, stories, fake memories, etc., and it's also possible to have alternate OSs lying around, sort of tabbed over and running their own processes. Up until they go viral, Reboot! Style, they're still "you" as you're defined by hardware, not software.
No. That doesn't help at all. If anything I'm now even more uncomfortable. Is this... is this a normal thing for people? To have "NPCs" in their heads?

I'm sorry. I wanted to stay quiet on this but I can't. Am I the only one here genuinely worried here? Zigg has just told us that he has voices in his head and most people's resposes here are "Oh, that's neat". Is it just because it's ponies?

Zigg, I'm sorry, but the more I think about this, the more it actually scares me. You said you had one of these Tulpas before, and that it was "slightly dangerous". Dangerous in what way? If these things can be harmful do you really think keeping them is a good idea? I just read an account online of a woman who created one of these. It started off being friendly and then turned malicious down the line. Is this likely to happen here? They look and act like ponies now but...

I apologise if I'm being ignorant or insensitive; I'm just worried about you here.

Hm. *Okie doke, we can help. What does the card look like? Dimensions, plug, etc.
Oh, it's okay, my Dad's gonna get the cable I need tomorrow.

Me, too. It's easy; I'm skinny and cerebral. It's an attitude thing I suppose. In which case is say just let it roll off you like water from a duck. The personal changes needed to he people to leave you alone are easiest to acquire by becoming someone you don't want to.
I'm not sure I understand.

I suppose the Apple Corps is the Ponyville NationalRegional Guard, then.
Heh, I didn't think of that.

Ugh. Yeah. I... Glegh.

I suppose you'd find it enlightening at least~
*watched video*

"Enlightening". Yeah... let's go with that. It was pretty funny though.

Oh no, go ahead. I just had this lying around. If you want to do an actual tumblr post, go ahead!
Well, if I can get myself to actually work on my drawing, and decide on exactly what I want my OC to look like/act.

Hey! Just because it didn't work for me doesn't mean it won't work!


Figure out schedules. Carpool. Split costs. Make a road trip of it.
Hm. Maybe I will.

Yo, British thread ponies! Who's up for a con?

Okay, I'm going to bed now. Will respond in the morning.