A fully loaded Glock 17 (a rather light weapon) weighs in at around a kilo, so would not be teriibly comfortable to hold in one's mouth. Probably should be rotated counter-clockwise a little too.

Unless her shirt is designed with an off centre placket she'd be buttoning it slightly to the right of frame. There's some odd body construction/perspective issues going on around her left collar bone - looks to me like the defining line of her breast shouldn't meet the line of her shirt collar but turn up around where the shading is on her left bicep.
And the base of her neck is shaded wrong, so her skin bleeds over to where there should be the inside of her collar (or she's really working her trapezius' ).

That said you're expressions and faces in general, are looking great lately (day 405 was awesome) as have the poses and variety of designs so, yeah, high fives all round for that