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    Orc in the Playground
    Zigg'rrauglurr's Avatar

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    Apr 2010
    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Default Re: My Little Pony XLVIII: I say Ol' Chap, how about those Equestrians?

    Oh! Just to make myself clear, on the first post.
    Where I wrote:
    Even tough that I think that I could make them disappear with enough meditation and mental effort? Not that I don't want to do that... for now.
    I meant:
    Even tough that I think that I could make them disappear with enough meditation and mental effort? Not that I want to do that... for now.
    Meaning that they are welcome.

    Quote Originally Posted by D_Lord
    Interesting simaler to what I have but I have much more control, some what due to years of controlling my dreams, and making persons that are based off of parts of myself and other family members. However it looks like to me that they don't really have free will but more of reminders of what you should be doing and acting out the mental process of your desire to do well but not want to study right now. Remember that they are really just pieces of you that want to act like ponys.
    Thank you for your input!
    It might be that you have greater control over them, because your actual construct are not too complex, I have several "low level" ones, for NPCs and the like. they have absolutely no life of their own, they are just... blueprints to double-check if an action would be justified in character for example. (Oh! I don't mean any disrespect towards your constructs and control of them, just want to differentiate the (sic) different kinds of mental entities)

    Quote Originally Posted by maximus25 View Post
    No problem, I researched them a few months back, hoping to make one myself. It takes a lot of time and effort, and I don't think I could devote that time, not currently at least.

    It's really cool that you did though. Yeah, Twilight and Pinkie seem pretty safe as far as tulpas go. Well, as safe as giving Pinkie Pie free reign inside your mind can be, but at least they aren't malicious or anything. Armed with this knowledge, you could prevent something else more dangerous from becoming a Tulpa though.

    They could even be helpful in social situations. A tulpa acts as the bridge from conscious to subconscious, and your subconscious picks up on a lot of stuff. With Twilight there to tell you how this person feels towards you based on body language and other things, or how to appeal to them, people become like putty in your hands. At least, so I've been told.
    Well actually I asked them help in a multiple choice test. There were a couple of questions which I had zero idea on what to answer, so for one I followed Twilight's reasoning, and for the other we went with... Pinkie Sense... . God If those answers are correct I will have Twilight directing my study regime...

    Also, regarding your research, if you want to start with something simple, something that has helped me a lot. Start with light auto-hypnosis. Just enough to relax. Do not open yourself, just relax, and listen to yourself. There are many guides on how to do that. I used to do it, before sleep, and it helped a lot for thousand of mind exercises.
    Last edited by Zigg'rrauglurr; 2012-07-05 at 07:08 PM.
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