Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
Especially since that, unlike Bambi (which at least had the decency to have sorta half-a-point, in an anti-hunting or Man verses Nature sorta way), that was villifying carnivores and predators as Evil; an attitude I find unequivocably and indefensibly excreble. Predators are predators, that's what they do! And 99% of them are far more interesting than most herbivores, nonsentient equines included!
Just want to raise a point on this issue;
The film is portrayed entirely from the viewpoint of the Herbivores. The predatory carnivore is, indeed, portrayed as a vicious and unmerciful killing machine, because from the point of view of it's prey, that's exactly what it is.

Also, whilst wiki/imdbing the film to check littlefoot's voice actor, I noticed that in the non-existant sequels they not only raise a sharptooth baby of some kind but it also grows up Bilingual. Which is to say, it's canon in the extended universe of the franchise that there is, ontop of all the other factors, a largely insurmountable language barrier between the protagonists of the first film and the predatory antagonist. Which kind of rules out there being any meaningful room for interaction, don't you think?

Also, Bambi is too Saccarine to be reliably moving and Prime goes down like a chump, so there's that.