Quote Originally Posted by Brazen Shield View Post
Here here!

My mother once told me that I wore out our original version in VHS and that the copy we still have now is actually the second.

I can still recite the Pizza Hut commercial.... @.@

Also... Whatever you do, don't Google "Land before time ponies" unless you WANT to cry.
I still have the original VHS, also with the pizza hut commercial. It's at my parents' house somewhere, and I'm fairly certain I know where.

Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
Oh, I remember those movies.

I remember them because I have been a fan of dinosaurs since, well, before I can remember.

A proper lay palentologist, who, even at age four, was able and willing to pick holes in and correct the inaccuracies in the for-school TV programs shown at school to the teacher (who did, in fact, take my corrections on board, knowing as she did, I damn well knew what I was talking about1 and alone in the whole school, able to identify dinosaurs from descriptions read out in assembly, putting the children some eight years my senior to shame.

I still love dinosaurs, and now, as then, I hate those movies with the void-cold anti-fire of a thousand frozen suns. I hate the whole IDEA of those movies.

For their ridiculous innacuracies - which, even were I at the time four and not eight - that I could and did pick up on. That cannot survive even the most cursory glance.

For glaringly once again trivialising natural history with anthropamorphism2 in the Disney-style, which is bad enough, but this time, treading on MY sacred turf.

For disregarding the proper names of the dinosaurs, that, once again, I had known and loved and been able to remember and pronounce since I was before school age and replacing them with cobblers. (Needless to say one of the reasons 4E's monster manual, alone out of all the RPG books I have bought in all my years was due to this same issue.)

But most of all, most of FREAKING ALL, for the unfathomable bigotry of once AGAIN casting carnivores as nothing more than mindless predators, while glorifying the herbivores.

Never mind that herbivores are virtually always the most stupid of any given group of creatures (it's omnivores and carnivores that have the brains, and most often the former much more than the latter; domesticated horses and elephants are something of an exception). Never mind that tyrannosaurus (which, no, I have always steadfastly refused to abbreviate to T. Rex, in the same way as I don't talk about D(einonychus)-Antirropus) is the most popular and iconic dinosaur of them all.

So, yeah, I remember those movies.

Well enough to wish that their creators run afoul of Grimlock, Slag, Sludge Snarl and Swoop in a dark alley and get extremely messily and horribly spifflicated!


*metallic Lich rage*

1You recall that I've said before how my primary school teachers called me middle-aged at eleven? This is exactly why.

2Something that, as a pony fan, may come of something of a surprise. But generally, I really dislike excessive anthropamorphication. Pony manages to get around it by not being completely anthropamorphic. And even in Pony I find the presence of other sapient cattle/donkeys etc and something rather unappealing (as done in canon; it's better done in some fanon (Dangerous Journey, for one), as it moves into that "excessive" region.
Fillies and Gentlecolts, I give you pure evil, as clearly presented as you shall ever receive it.