Quote Originally Posted by Maxtronaut View Post
Ok, edited it a bit. Seem better than before?
Err, I honestly can't say if its better or not. I know its been changed and due to me so that always messes up how I view things.

Quote Originally Posted by Eakin View Post
I honestly hope they DON'T show how Luna turned into Nightmare Moon, because it would probably involve her being corrupted or possessed by some malicious entity.

She's so much more interesting if she decided to go bad of her own free will, and Celestia is that much more impressive for forgiving her afterwards.

Maybe I just hate the "good person is corrupted by an evil force and now you can fight them without having to worry about whether they have a legitimate argument for their actions" trope. Along with the corollary "Once you beat someone up you can be instant friends with them again without having to make difficult personal compromises to address what made them hate you in the first place."

Why yes, I used to play World of Warcraft. However could you tell?
I agree that Luna getting corrupted by an outside source always seemed a little cheap to me. However watching Luna slowly go crazy as other ponies continually ignore her could be interesting if heartbreaking.

Quote Originally Posted by BlasTech View Post

I think it looked like this. (Should be a large pic. It's DA so I can't be sure it linked correctly while at work here since that darn site is blocked )

Well that was awesome

Quote Originally Posted by Balmas View Post
Regarding Luna, my headcanon is that she wasn't so much possessed as she was corrupted. Her magic nature, combined with continued spurning, slowly drove her mad. The elements served as a wake-up call, reminding her of the good in life.

My question is this: when Celestia and Luna used the Elements the first time, they petrified Discord. When Celestia used the elements the second time, they sent Nightmare Moon TO THE MOOOOOOON. The third time they were used, this time by the mane six, they purified Luna.

What are these things? *Set phasers to MOOOON!" "Aye cap'n!"

EDIT: Here, have an awesome Pie Quartet.
I guess my headcanon with Luna's corruption into Nightmare Moon was just frustration and jealousy. Kinda. She went into the plan willingly but progressively became more and more insane. Celestia failed to talk her down because Luna's hate was focused a lot on Celestia and her day. Ponies called her a monster so that's what she became in response.

As for the elements the reason for the variance goes like this in my head cannon. Celestia and Luna using them have less effectiveness then the Mane 6, the other reason for the variance is due to possibilties. Discord can only ever be sealed away and turning him to stone is the most effective method. Nightmare Moon was too powerful and too hateful to initially be anything but sealed away but was sent to the moon instead as a weaker seal that let her think. The second time the Elements were more powerful and Nightmare Moon had calmed down over the last thousand years so they were more effective and could purify her.