So an update on me reading Clockwork.

I'm starting to have issues with Clockwork being super smart. Or to be more accurate how you are deciding to portray that Clockwork is super smart.

The first minor thing was the speed he finished the test in. Pretty minor really but finishing a major test in record speed is pretty impossible just from the need to take time read each question and write the answer. It puts a hard physical limit on how long it takes to actually finish a test. Like I said though it was pretty minor and only shook my suspension of disbelief

The one that completely shattered my suspension of disbelief was being able to fluently speak a new language after only hearing a single sentence translated. This makes no sense at all. Especially from formal language like a prayer. Afterall how is he learning new words if he never heard them before? How is he even speaking it fluently having never articulated the words before? Honestly his wing magically turning into a gun and shooting bullets would make more sense.