Quote Originally Posted by INoKnowNames View Post
I suppose nothing, I guess. I've seen people be devoted and such over what they like, but rarely ever deep over it...
Well to be technical I was actually getting deep over the Brony meme1 as a sociological phenomena. Technically this is itself separate from the show and not easily tied to any particular quality of the show.

1That's meme in the original sense btw

I don't know why I can't put up with light-hearted singing... I'm more... actiony, I guess is the right word. I prefer cool things than cute things.
I like cute things now, cute things are cool.

Honestly, it would be odd if this thread was completely serious, and everyone was all up tight about ponies. "I say ol' chap, how about those equestrians?"
That would make a great name for a thread title. Must remember for the late pages of the thread.

..... also, just out of curiosity, but Bronycon? They have those? How much pony can one person take?
Never enuff pony.

Quote Originally Posted by Forum Explorer View Post
I don't know but I wish I could have gone to Bronycon. Honestly mostly to meet the fellow playgrounders and to see if you are all as interesting in real life as you are in this thread.
That is not a small reason why I'm extremely miffed that my plans fell apart.