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    Halfling in the Playground

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    May 2012

    Default Re: Tengu in Pathfinder... What Precisely ARE They Good At?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tokuhara View Post
    I almost thought Bladebound Dervish could be halfway decent. Yes, the Wisdom is useless, but it is creative.

    And what about Oracle? Never played it myself, but it IS a full wisdom caster who casts spontaneously. Add in Words of Power, and maybe they could get some real power?
    Ummm...Wisdom...useless...+1 to perception, sense motive, will save (which is used to oppose the intelligent weapon if it tries to dominate you), in addition to all of the other skills it boosts. Wisdom is very useful.

    But I will say that it would be nice to not worry about disarming against you. Even if the enemy succeeds you still have you peck attack. Which is kind of awesome to think of.

    The oracle is an interesting concept. An oracle of war starting with a Falcata or elven curve blade. That can make an amazingly powerful damage build. Have only healing/buff spells and you are a great support/secondary damage character.
    Last edited by Wisp_Paladin; 2012-06-18 at 06:52 PM.