Now that I've thunk about it some, my thoughts on the new episode

It was a pretty solid episode. It had the confrontation of the problem relatively early, which allowed time for a proper conclusion as opposed to stuffing it into the last minute or so. See "Cutie Pox" for an example of rushing it at the end.

I am slightly surprised, though not upset, at the ending. I personally expected the CMC to run a Gabby Gums column on DT, leading to an exchange something along the lines of:
CMC: You asked for more Gabby Gums, and we delivered
DT: *pent up rage*

However, the ending they went with is much less common, if ever seen. It also is much more fitting for the original target audience. I'm not sure we'd want young girls learning to be passive-aggressive and follow exact wording when it benefits them.

Overall, a good episode that is a touch above par. Or below par. Which ever is better.

And with that out of the way, I can say that they fell into a cliche that all shows/films/comics that include a printing press will inevitably hit.