Quote Originally Posted by Fish View Post
Yes, I know. I was responding to the poster immediately above me, who had claimed that the Cloister spell might have been designed with an access password, allowing Redcloak to cast Gate. We know, because Haley summoned Celia, that no such password system was enacted. I have already stated that I believe Redcloak's other spell is probably Monster Summoning IX for precisely the reasons you mention here — we know summoning works; we don't know that Gates do.
It doesn't actually make any sense for summoning spells to work, but calling spells (like Gate) not to. The only summoning spells, the Summon Monster line, have ridiculously short durations, as I pointed out before. Redcloak would have to have known down to the minute when his targets would arrive for his demons to actually still be around when they showed up, because even if he could extend the spell (and for Summon Monster 9 he couldn't) it would barely last more than 3 minutes. The only summoning-style spells with longer durations are calling spells - the Planar Ally line, the Planar Binding line, and Gate.
