Quote Originally Posted by Kato View Post
So... I might as well be honest about it. *looks down in shame*
I'm not done yet but like... a bit more than a dozen episodes in and I'm afraid once I'm done I might as well be.. a... bronie.
I guess I shouldn't be so ashamed about it But I still feel kind of weird admitting it... so yeah, just saying, I guess I might be around a bit in this thread in the upcoming future... Once I cought up with everything, that is. And then I might need a new avatar as well, we'll see.
So then, see you later, everypony, I guess.
I'm sure this deserves more serious discussion later, but or the time being;

Gimme some details, I'll draw you a pony.
Looks, actions, attitudes; detail is always good.

Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post
You do realize that now *BANG* the pony formerly known as Mask shall be MINE!

Oh, gosh, I've got so much to do! I need to clean the basement, frap the ropes, ready the pit of fire for my diabolical choice, and I need to get Phoe on short order for my evil wedding to the pony formerly known as Mask!

Welp. Time to dig out the ol' sketch pad.

Quote Originally Posted by the_druid_droid View Post
Steampunk spiderbots you say?


Your wish is my command!
As expected. Excellent.

Quote Originally Posted by Nameless View Post
*looks at work load*

Ho ho...
Doing art that's not work related at this point.
Oh, SiuiS... u so silly.
well, a colt can dream.

*idly caresses an empty spot on the Pony Artist Wall, and sighs* a colt can dream...

Pedophilia... check.
Awkward representation of puberty... check.
Arguably almost sorta kinda Interbreeding/beastiality (bearing in mind that the episode also made a reference to Spike being a pet) ... check.

Ah. I challenge the notion of pedophilia; given that ponies could concievably live for centuries, and Spike is of age for that sort of biological change, it's no more pedophilia than an elf having a relationship with a human; I mean, they're barely twenty, why, lothlorien was still in diapers at that age!

Awkward representation of puberty doesn't affect the quality of the tale, as it's something we'll all be familiar with eventually.

Bestiality again references elf/human divide. Or even having a deity in the bloodlines. Or a bunch of other things that could be a problem but shouldn't; like the fact that Spike is a backwater guy and Rarity is an uptown girl. An artificial divide.

Your move

Quote Originally Posted by DarkReaper1382 View Post
Hello. I was invited to join this forum by Strife Warzeal. I've been making a crossover FanFic of Star wars knights of the old rebublic and ponies. I don't write professionally or much in my free time so any help would be greatly appreciated.
It started out as a normal smuggling run to Nar Shaddaa. Final Shot was hired to move stolen goods for the huts to the smugglers moon to keep the supplies safe from confiscation. Final is a grey unicorn with a black and red mane whose cutie mark depicted a simple blaster pistol that Final had grown so accustomed to using in her line of business. She wore red glasses and a black combat vest that made her stand out a little in a crowd. Final had asked why the supplies would need to be moved since Tatooine was controlled by the Hutts but was only answered with a thousand extra credits to keep her mouth shut. Final was used to making runs to Nar Shaddaa by now she had done it a thousand times before but she felt uneasy not knowing why the extremely large shipment of Colto would need to be moved. It was Final herself who had brought the shipment to Tatooine in the first place.

The trip to Nar Shaddaa wouldn’t take her long especially not in her ship the Ebon Hawk. Final had won the ship in a contest for the Hutts. A couple of skilled smugglers were invited to a contest to win the fastest ship in the Galaxy. Final had signed up right away when she heard she was invited to the contest. the contest consisted of stealing a rare gem guarded by fierce Kinrath. Most tried running into the cave guns-a-blazing or trying to slash their way through. Final had the sense to sneak around the Kinrath and take the crystal without them noticing. When she emerged from the cave Crystal in hand the Hutt immediately asked her to smuggle goods for him. Final having nowhere else to go chose to join the Hutt’s Exchange. Ever since she has been making runs for the Hutts. Gorga, the Hutt in charge of her sector told her everything about every mission every detail that would help her. Now getting that detail on this run she knew it must be extremely important.

When she arrived in Nar Shaddaa she was immediately approached by the Pegasus dock master
“You cannot dock here! The place is reserved,” said the Dock Master.
“Yeah reserved for me, you idiot. Now get out of my way.” Final said angrily. The truth was Final had no idea who had reserved the dock but she had the uncanny ability to make people believe what she said. From the second she left the dock she knew she was being followed. As she rounded the first corner into Nar Shaddaa she heard the heavy hoofbeats of armored ponies. Final walked into the main market, and headed over to the railing overlooking the heavily trafficked speeder highways.
“You got a lot of guts coming here filly” said a deep voiced stallion from behind her startling her slightly. Final spun around instinctively drawing her blaster aiming it at the stallion who spoke. He was flanked on either side by to stallions both with quarterstaffs in their mouths. They both tensed as Final drew her blaster Final had been in enough bad situations to know where this was going to lead.
“ And why is that?” said Final in a calm smooth voice.
“We are a Sith assassin squad sent to kill any remnants of the Jedi.” said the stallion
“Then why would you be bothering me I’m a simple Unicorn making a living moving goods for people who pay me to do so.” Said Final still holding her calm composure even though as the seconds ticked away her fear raised.
“Because we saw what you did to the dock master, you used the force to persuade him to let you dock even though we told him we would kill him if he let anypony dock there other than a Sith warship” the Stallion said menacingly.
“Well he let me dock there and I don’t think I was in a Sith warship.” said Final her voice quaking slightly as she spoke
“Exactly so now I’m going to let these two take care of you and go finish of that foalish pegasus myself.” said the stallion as he turned and walked away.

The two stallions that were next to him tensed and readied for a fight. Final still had her blaster drawn and quickly fired two shots into the stallion at her right. One struck him in the jaw and the other right below his left shoulder. The stallion crumpled to the floor as his companion charged with his quarterstaff. Seeing the devastating power of her blaster on a pony was a new and gory sight never truly needing to have killed someone with the blaster only incapacitate them she hesitated before re-aiming her blaster at the second charging stallion then as the stallion raised his head to deliver a powerful killing strike down on her head a sniper shot hit him in the back of the head ripping it apart as the shot continued on its path ending next to Final’s left hoof. Final looked around to find the source of the shot and saw a Maredalorian sniper hefting her rifle on to the holster on her back. She started walking towards Final in a rather casual manner. The Maredalorian wore the normal heavy armor of the Maredalorians with a Vibrosword holster on one side of her back with the massive heavy sniper issued to the most skilled Maredalorian snipers on the other side. The armored helmet covering her head blocked any signs of a friendly or aggressive nature. As the Mare approached Final she toke her helmet off. She was a royal blue pegasus with green eyes and a white mane. She had a kind smile on her face despite the intimidating look her armor gave her.
“There is no need to be scared you know. I saved you didn’t I?” she said. Final without noticing it was quivering with fear from the muscular mare in front of her. Final tried to form words to thank or greet the mare but couldn't think of what to say
“I’m here to help, you know?” the mare said. Final managed a nod of the head to acknowledge the mare
“My names Archangel, can you tell me your name?” Archangel asked
“F-Final S-Shot” Final managed to tell Archangel.
“Alright then Final were gonna go get that Sith who told these goons to attack you before he kills more people.” Archangel told Final. Final shook her head again and they trotted off together in the direction the Sith lord took.
Welcome new friend! I will read this in depth when I have time. Right now I'm sneaking Internet between errands.

Quote Originally Posted by Pokonic View Post
Okay, random topic time:

Out of the varying non-pony races seen so far, which one would you like to see a episode in which the Mane caste travels (for whatever reason) to its homeland?
Griffons. Definitively griffons.

Quote Originally Posted by kpenguin View Post
Hey guys. In case anyone's interested, Dispozition is streaming some art coloring right now. At the moment he's coloring a human Applejack, and he could color further pony stuff!
I am horrific disappointed; not only did I not see this until two hours later, but I can't get the app to watch for another hour or two anyway

That's too bad. I'd love to see Dizposition color something; especially since I keep telling him I'm gonna come to him when I start tryin to learn coloring.

Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
Aww. (Sympathyhugs)
I need to be nicer to her. I'll have to double down on the hoofrubs. *nod*

To be fair, that's a big indulgence. xD
I suppose.

===> (thinks of an executioner)
Hm. *thinks of. Potential D&D character*

Ha. Most of their videos on youtube are arguments about the two singers. xD
Bye Bye Beautiful is the most awesome middle finger to the old one evah.
Aye. And her solo album sucked. Which is too bad; she has a great voice, but. It can't be applied to the music she likes to sing, apparently. I can sympathize; I'd love to sing like that, but it's apparently physically impossible.

There are upended though, I suppose. I plan on living my dotage in a large green witch Hat and a Gandalf beard c|:-)}}}>>>

Quote Originally Posted by Tectonic Robot View Post
"I... ok, hold up! I'm coming with you!"
Candle Keeper flees with her!

And apparently Lixie?
Adventuring party yay~!