Quote Originally Posted by Kairaven View Post
Amy Keating Rogers may be the most prolific pony writer ever in season 1 with 6 episodes - The Ticket Master, Applebuck Season, Bridle Gossip, Fall Weather Friends, A Dog and Pony Show, The Best Night Ever (plus she responded to Thanqol, so she's cool in my book)

Charlotte Fullerton - Look Before You Sleep, Suited For Success, A Bird in the Hoof

Chris Savino - Boast Busters , Stare Master

Dang. That right there? That's an impressive track record.

Quote Originally Posted by Diego Havoc View Post
Family :3 (Episode 5):

Quote Originally Posted by Vorpalbob View Post
Hooray new thread!

What better time than to tell a nice little story?

Those of you on the IRC have most likely already heard this.

For those of you who follow the MLP Drawthread, you know that I had two costumes for Nightmare Night, one of which was Derpy.

I walked into my Drama class that day, and my teacher had no idea who I was, so I explained the history of the character, how a fan-created name was accepted as the canonical name. She loved the idea, and said she would look it up.

The next day, I walk into class to see her texting away. I didn't see who she was talking to, but I saw her type in my name, so I asked who was on the other end.

"Oh, just a friend of mine. I'm telling her about your costume and acting and stuff. She thinks you sound really cool!"

I'm rather confused at this point, so I ask, "Who exactly is this person?"

She says, "Does the name Sarah Wall mean anything to you?"


My mind broke.

My drama teacher is on FIRST NAME TERMS with this woman. And the best part?


There are no simple emotes powerful enough to convey the congratulations heading your way. So I'll just try some words for once:

That's incredible. I'm so happy you may be getting this chance, and I'll be praying it all works out. Keep us posted!