Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
This thread's speed continues to boggle my mind. I doubt the poor thing has been un-boggled for months now, but that's just a minor technicality.

I was thinking of not participating in this week's NWTG (Newbie Writer's Training Ground), but then I got an idea. Now I think I have to write it:

The theme for this week is "Pony visits Canterlot for the first time".

Lyra has been invited to audition her Lyre-playing skills for Celestia herself. And (through mail-interception spying techniques) she has learned that the lovely Twilight will be returning to Canterlot for the same few days she'll be there. The possibilities are endless...

...or they would be, if that infernal Celestia didn't keep pulling her Twilight away for such trifling matters as "hanging out" or "talking". One day into her trip, and she hasn't had a moment's time alone with Twilight. With only a few days in Canterlot, she needs to act fast if her trip is to be salvaged. The solution is obvious: If there is something or somepony coming between her and Twilight, remove it.

And thus begins a crazy-fueled spree of comical traps and schemes designed to take Celestia out of the picture. The climax? Lyra performing her audition with a lyre enchanted to set off booby traps when she plucks the strings just so. No idea how this will all end, but the journey there should be hilarious.
Curses! I was thinking of how to get Lyra into comedic hijinks during her time in Canterlot.

Do eeeeeeettttttttttt!