Quote Originally Posted by ElderGias
Got another two:

Lets say that on dungeon floor ends up with two stairs leading down from it (this would be possible is someone found the stairs, and also used the Screw This card that puts in a set of stairs). Now the dungeon is collapsing and we are removing rooms, which set of stairs gets the room below it removed, or does it not matter?

Some monsters say that you cannot use any sticks with are range 0 against them, which puts an odd possibility out for Haley. Lets say Haley has her bow and the Shtick that lets her use her bow at range 0 with +1/+1 (Sneak Attack I believe). If she just used her bow against the monster, she would get just the bonuses from the bow. She can't use a range 0 weapon on the monster, but the bow has a range of greater than 0. The Sneak Attack card says you get the bonus when making an attack at range 0 with the bow. So by a strict reading of the cards, I should be able to use my range 4 bow to attack the creature that cant be attacked with range 0 weapons, but also use my range 4 bow as a range 0 weapon to get the bonus from Sneak Attack since though I am using it as a range 0 weapon it is still a range 4 weapon. Im pretty sure that was not the intent, but by strict wording, that is the meaning. Should this not be possible?

I think both these have been answered before in this thread, but it's getting quite long, and since they're coming up again, I'll add notes for both of these into the Clarifications section of the FAQ (which one of the moderators really should make sticky.)

I'll try to get to that later today.