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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default [Org](PrC/A) Order of Eternal Summer

    ==Order of Eternal Summer==
    The Order of Eternal Summer has stood for centuries against the cold, be it winter, white dragons, or the Killing Frost of Ghulurak (see DMG-II). They do not take a high profile in society, nor does any government recognize them. Despite this, they are diligent in their tasks and recognize each other for what they really are.

    Symbol: The masters of the Order of Eternal Summer (or Summerians, as they are sometimes called) have a sun emblem tattooed on the back of their left hand. Apprentices have no tattoo and are merely identified by their association with the Summerian. It is because of the tattoo that most Summerians wear gloves.

    Background, Goals, and Dreams: The Order of Eternal Summer seeks to end winter across the face of the globe, through magics or otherwise, though this is a daunting (and likely impossible) task. In the meantime, they content themselves with fighting back the "forces of cold", as they see it, which even they will admit is a loose abstract. The most respected members of the Order of Eternal Summer will freely tell you that, when most organizations seek to destroy evil, the Order of Eternal Summer wishes only to destroy a specific kind of evil and protect the innocent.

    The Order of Eternal Summer began with the zealous paladin of Agni, Eros Darstariel, who wished to bring an end to the suffering caused to his home by the harsh winters. Unfortunately, the harsh winter was actually a manifestation of the Killing Frost of Ghulurak, and it slew his entire village, save him. He asked Agni for guidance, and Agni blessed him with protection against the cold. Bravely, Eros Darstariel ventured northwards into the frost and destroyed the statue of Ghulurak at the frost's center. He vowed that nothing like it would ever happen again, and found others who were in similar situations as he. They followed him, and thus began the Order of Eternal Summer.

    Enemies and Allies: The Order of Eternal Summer cannot stand white dragons, frost worms, winter wolves, or other cold-based creatures. The Order will attempt to slay them however possible, even if this means the loss of some of their number.

    Type: Fighting Company

    Scale: 16 (Multicontinental)

    Affiliation Score Criteria:
    Non-evil alignment, base attack bonus +2, must have provided protection from cold to helpless people who did not ask for aid, must defeat a current member of the Order in a Trial of War, Wits, or Wizardry

    [tr][td]Criterion[/td] [td]Affiliation Score Modifier[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]Character level[/td] [td]+1/2 PC's level[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]Levels in Knight of Summer[/td] [td]+1 per level[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]Levels in Agent of Summer[/td] [td]+1 per level[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]Levels in Sage of Summer[/td] [td]+1 per level[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]Levels in Crusader of Summer[/td] [td]+1 per level[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]Assist in major defense against cold[/td] [td]+1[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]Create new device or spell available to the masses to fight off cold[/td] [td]+1 per item[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]Defeated a white dragon of adult age or older[/td] [td]+2 per dragon[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]Defeated Ghulurak or prevented his manifestation[/td] [td]+3[/td][/tr]

    Titles, Benefits, and Duties:
    [tr][td]Affiliation Score required[/td] [td]Effect[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]6 or lower[/td] [td]Apprentice; no benefits[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]7-12[/td] [td]Master; Barter and trade freely with other masters[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]13-17[/td] [td]+2 to Survival, Listen, Search, and Spot while in cold areas[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]18-22[/td] [td]+1 on attack rolls against creatures with (Cold) subtype[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]23-27[/td] [td]+1 to relevant AC, SR, and DCs of all your corona abilities[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]28 or higher[/td] [td]Defensive Roll 2/day, usable only against cold-based attacks[/td][/tr]

    Executive Powers: Craft, Crusade, Research

    ===Joining the Order of Eternal Summer===
    Membership in the order is granted to those who defend against cold in some way. This seems ambiguous at first, but looking at the ranks of the Knights of Summer, one can see a certain pattern. The mage who protects a town's inhabitants with fire magics; the warrior who slays a mighty white dragon and refuses reward; the tinker who invents a device to keep people warm during the long winter months: these are all Knights of Summer.

    Entry Requirements: Non-evil alignment, base attack bonus +2, must have provided protection from cold to helpless people who did not ask for aid, must defeat a current member of the Order in a Trial of War, Wits, or Wizardry.

    A Trial of War is offered to those who are primarily martial in nature. It involves defeating an enemy of the Order of Eternal Summer, such as an infestation of Whitespawn Hordelings, a white dragon, or a pack of winter wolves. Upon passing, the entrant is able to enter the Knight of Summer prestige class (see below).

    A Trial of Wits is offered to those who are skilled in many talents. It involves a Summerian "commissioning" the entrant to perform a series of tasks. In some cases this is a dangerous task (recover a powerful magic item from a white dragon's horde), while other times it is more creative (craft a device that protects the bearer from cold). Upon passing, the entrant is able to enter the Agent of Summer prestige class (see below).

    A Trial of Wizardry is offered to those who are magically inclined. It involved a Summerian tasking an entrant with a magical trial. Most times, this trial is similar to a Trial of Wits and involves either the crafting of an item or the retrieval of a magical item. Occasionally, this more closely resembles a Trial of War, where the entrant combats an enemy of the Order of Eternal Summer with magic. Upon passing, the entrant is able to enter the Sage of Summer prestige class (see below).

    That being said, most Summerians are martial in nature and the Trial of War is most common. Because of this, paladins and clerics make up a large portion of the Order of Eternal Summer. To a lesser extent but for similar reasons, druids, bards, and rogues make up a smaller fraction of the Order of Eternal Summer. Surprisingly, though they are in smaller numbers than any other group, sorcerors outweigh wizards almost two to one.

    ====Membership Benefits====
    Economics: With no central structure, members of the Order have no economic structure to speak of. However, any member who asks of aid of another member usually receives exactly what he asks for: there is an unspoken rule that the Order's members help each other, regardless of personal cost.

    Gear: The Trials of Wits and Magic create an oversupply of anti-cold items. Due to this, members of the Order usually have at least three unused anti-cold devices on them, and they freely sell them at no profit to any who ask. Summerians also often trade with each other or give unused items to each other in exchange for aid.

    Services: Spellcasting members of the Order will cast a variety of curative, restorative, and divinatory spells for other members for a fraction of the normal cost, a favor they extend to those in need as well. Occasionally, Summerians will trade apprentices with each other to expand their apprentice's training.

    Apprenticeship: Fledgling members of the Order receive formal training from existing members, sometimes for years. Apprentices are traded amongst masters to broaden their experience and teach them different techniques. Once an apprentice qualifies for masterhood (see Prestige Class - Knight of Summer below), a sun symbol is tattooed on the back of his left hand and he is set loose into the world to find his own apprentice.

    ===Authority Figures===
    The only real authority present in the Order comes directly from one's master, and all other members of the Order are seen as equal in each other's eyes. It has become a prevalent unspoken rule amongst Summerians to not take offense to another Summerian's method of dealing with an issue, even if it doesn't quite fit within one's moral realms. After all, all people are different, and as long as the task is accomplished, what does it matter? Due to that mentality, most members of the Order are chaotic in nature, though occasionally lawful people join.

    However, certain members within the Order have risen to prominence, not through any actual power, but through their strength of personality and the deed they have accomplished towards the goals of the Order of Eternal Summer.

    ===Racial Makeup===
    About 70% of the Order of Eternal Summer is human, and a full 10% more are dwarven. Elves and halflings both take up another 5% apiece, and the smattering of other races takes up the leftovers.

    ===Class Makeup===
    A full half of the Order of Eternal Summer comes from a background that is both martial and religious. About 40% of this fraction aligns themselves with Pelor: Pelor's followers and the Order get along swimmingly. Other prominent classes include bards (15%), rogues (10%), rangers and barbarians (10%), sorcerors (10%), and all others (5%). Almost every Summerian (98%) has at least one level in the Knight of Summer class.

    ===Adventure Hooks===
    *The Killing Frost of Ghulurak has started spreading. Several members of the Order have fallen to its grasp, and rather than risk more, the remaining members have assembled and are attempting to determine another way to rid the world of it.
    *A swarm of white dragons with accompanying whitespawn are attacking from the southern reaches and terrorizing the populace of a local kingdom.

    ===The Codex Ignus===
    The Codex Ignus is a book that each member of the Order ensures they have two copies of at all times: one for themselves, and one for any apprentice they may pick up.

    The book details the practices of members of the Order from ages past. It also contains information about a variety of cold-based creatures, details a number of fire spells, and even discusses the Burning Eye of Al-Ghautra (See DMG-II).

    In game terms, this book can be used as a surrogate research book in a variety of ways. Firstly, given ample time, a Summerian using this book to research a cold-based creature (white dragons, frost worms, winter wolves, et al) gains a +1 to all skill checks against that creature (knowledge checks, tracking checks, etc.) for a twenty-four hour period.

    Secondly, the Codex Ignus contains information about the Burning Eye of Al-Ghautra, but not enough to use just the book to create it. However, using the book in one's research of the Burning Eye grants a +5 circumstance bonus to all research checks.

    Thirdly, a spellcaster can copy scrolls for the following spells from the pages of the Codex: burning hands, continual flame, daylight, fire shield, fireball, flame blade, light, and produce flame. The spell descriptions in the book are not enough to cast any of the spells, but they are enough to create scrolls from or to copy into a spellbook.

    Lastly, and to a lesser extent, it details the way that Knights of Summer draw their corona powers from the Elemental Plane of Fire and from the sun's energies, though the book makes several prominent mentions that this is all conjecture and none of it has been proven.

    ===Prestige Class - Knight of Summer===
    Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Knowledge (Nature) 8 ranks

    Special: Must be a Member of the Order of Eternal Summer; must own one copy of the Codex Ignus.

    ====Knight of Summer Progression====
    HD: d10
    [tr][td]Level[/td] [td]Base Attack Bonus[/td] [td]Fort Save[/td] [td]Ref Save[/td] [td]Will Save[/td] [td]Special[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]1st[/td] [td]+0[/td] [td]+2[/td] [td]+2[/td] [td]+0[/td] [td]Corona, Light[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]2nd[/td] [td]+1[/td] [td]+3[/td] [td]+3[/td] [td]+0[/td] [td]Corona of Courage[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]3rd[/td] [td]+2[/td] [td]+3[/td] [td]+3[/td] [td]+1[/td] [td]Gather Warmth, Cold Resist 5[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]4th[/td] [td]+3[/td] [td]+4[/td] [td]+4[/td] [td]+1[/td] [td]Corona Manifestation[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]5th[/td] [td]+3[/td] [td]+4[/td] [td]+4[/td] [td]+1[/td] [td]Bright Corona[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]6th[/td] [td]+4[/td] [td]+5[/td] [td]+5[/td] [td]+2[/td] [td]Solar Flare, Cold Resist 10[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]7th[/td] [td]+5[/td] [td]+5[/td] [td]+5[/td] [td]+2[/td] [td]Blinding Corona[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]8th[/td] [td]+6[/td] [td]+6[/td] [td]+6[/td] [td]+2[/td] [td]Shielding Corona[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]9th[/td] [td]+6[/td] [td]+6[/td] [td]+6[/td] [td]+3[/td] [td]Cold Resist 20[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]10th[/td] [td]+7[/td] [td]+7[/td] [td]+7[/td] [td]+3[/td] [td]Blazing Corona[/td][/tr]

    ====Class Features====
    Class Skills (4 + Int): Climb, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Nature), Ride, Search, Spot, Survival, Tumble

    Corona (Su): At first level, a Summerian can surround himself with a glowing halo of sunlight. This corona, in addition to giving off light as a torch does, grants a modicum of protection to the Summerian. He gains a bonus to his armor class equal to his Charisma modifier. He may activate this ability a number of times per day equal to his class level plus his Charisma modifier. A Summerian can activate his corona as a swift action and deactivate it as a free action. If he does not deactivate it himself, it remains active for a number of rounds equal to his class level plus his constitution modifier.

    Light (Sp): At first level, a Summerian learns to manipulate ambient light using arcane powers. He may cast light, as the spell, a number of times per day equal to his class level. His caster level is equal to class level.

    Corona of Courage (Su): Starting at second level, a Summerian is immune to fear while his corona is active. In addition, any of his allies within the light radius of his corona receive a +4 bonus against fear. This ability is automatically applied whenever a Summerian's corona is active.

    Gather Warmth (Sp): Starting at third level, a Summerian learns to manipulate magical energies further. He may gather heat together into a small campfire sized flame. This flame will burn as long as it is provided fuel and will provide warmth enough to stave off cold and frostbite in a radius equal to ten times the Summerian's Charisma modifier, in feet. He may perform this a number of times per day equal to one-half his class level, rounded down. This requires a significant amount of time and precision to accomplish and is impossible to perform in combat.

    Cold Resist (Ex): Starting at third level, a Summerian becomes resistant to the effects of extremely cold temperatures. Because he has spent so much time immersed in, studying, and combating cold, he has picked up slight resistance to its effects. He gains cold resist 5. This improves to 10 at sixth level and 20 at ninth.

    Corona Manifestation (Su): Starting at fourth level, a Summerian can shape his corona into armaments for himself. By expending an additional use when activating his corona, he can form a weapon and a shield made of fire and golden light. The weapon, regardless of form or size, is considered a light weapon, has a reach of 5', deals 1d8 fire damage (plus strength modifier), and criticals for x2 damage on 19 or 20. The shield provides a +2 shield bonus to AC, has no arcane spell failure chance or check penalty, and deals fire damage equal to the Summerian's charisma modifier to any melee attacker who damages the Summerian.

    Alternatively, the Summerian may forfeit the shield for either an additional light weapon (as detailed above) or forfeit both the light weapon and shield for a two-handed weapon. A two-handed weapon manifested this way has a reach of 5', deals 2d6 fire damage (plus strength modifier), and criticals on a 19 or 20 for x2 damage. The two-handed weapon can be used with power attack.

    Bright Corona (Su): Starting at fifth level, a Summerian can heighten the effects of his corona's light-producing properties when activating it. By expending an additional use of his corona, it acts as a daylight spell while active. His caster level is equal to his class level.

    Solar Flare (Su): Starting at sixth level, a Summerian can shape his corona into a deadly blast of heat. While his corona is active, a Summerian may cast fireball as standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity by expending two uses of his corona. His caster level is equal to his class level.

    Blinding Corona (Su): Starting at seventh level, a Summerian can intensify his corona further. By spending two additional uses when activating his corona, he can cause it to blind opponents within 45'. A successful fortitude save (DC 10 + the Summerian's class level + Cha modifier) negates this effect. Regardless of whether or not he blinds any opponents, the Summerian also gains partial concealment (20% miss chance).

    Shielding Corona (Su): Starting at eighth level, a Summerian can surround himself with a golden, healing glow. By spending two additional uses when activating his corona, he can give himself and all allies within a 45' radius Fast Healing equal to the Summerian's Charisma modifier. In addition, his allies receive a deflection bonus equal to the Summerian's Charisma modifier, while the Summerian receives spell resistance 22.

    Blazing Corona (Su): At tenth level, a Summerian can focus his corona into a light so bright it burns those within its light. As a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and only while his corona is active, a Summerian can cast sunburst, as the spell, by expending three uses of his corona. His caster level is equal to his class level.

    ====Playing a Knight of Summer====
    Members of the Order of Eternal Summer tend to be transient: they venture to extremely cold climates to fight it and assist anyone who happens to live there. They will do whatever they can to destroy white dragons, whitespawn (see MM-IV), frost worms, and other cold-based creatures, and any Summerian who encounters the Killing Frost of Ghulurak (or even the mention of it, considering its mentally pervasive nature) will immediately contact as many other Summerians as he can in an effort to prevent its appearance.

    Combat: Summerians make ample use of their corona abilities in combat to defend themselves and their allies. Summerians almost never use cold-based attacks or spells, and even more rarely fight alone. In times of crisis, the Order gathers and assaults in force before dissipating across the globe almost as quickly as they assembled.

    Advancement: There are really two ranks within the Order: apprenticeship and masterhood. In game terms, any Summerian apprentice who gains two levels of Knight of Summer or three levels of any other class while an apprentice qualifies for masterhood.

    Edit: fixed broken italic tag; added duration that I forgot to transcribe from notes; more broken tags; changed Trials; spell check.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Mephibosheth's Avatar

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    Default Re: [Org](PrC/A) Order of Eternal Summer

    Wow Fax. This is really good. I really like the founding story of the organization, and the trials are a good addition.

    I think my only suggestion would be to specify a duration for the corona abilities of the Knights of Summer. Unless I just missed the duration when I was reading, a Knight of Summer can just activate the corona when he/she wakes up and maintain it all day, using the other uses for the weapons and spells. Maybe that's what you intend, but it seems a bit overpowering to me. Also, I think you should bump up the skill rank requirements to 8 instead of 7. As you have it now, a Knight of Summer could cast Sunburst at level 14, one level before a Druid can cast Sunburst.

    Just my 2 cp.

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Org](PrC/A) Order of Eternal Summer

    Quote Originally Posted by Mephibosheth
    Wow Fax. This is really good. I really like the founding story of the organization, and the trials are a good addition.

    I think my only suggestion would be to specify a duration for the corona abilities of the Knights of Summer. Unless I just missed the duration when I was reading, a Knight of Summer can just activate the corona when he/she wakes up and maintain it all day, using the other uses for the weapons and spells. Maybe that's what you intend, but it seems a bit overpowering to me. Also, I think you should bump up the skill rank requirements to 8 instead of 7. As you have it now, a Knight of Summer could cast Sunburst at level 14, one level before a Druid can cast Sunburst.

    Just my 2 cp.


    I can't believe I forgot to add in the durations. I even have them on my notes! I'll toss them in now.

    As for the ranks to get into the PrC? I'm good with where they're at, considering it's difficult to get into the PrC to begin with.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Org](PrC/A) Order of Eternal Summer

    Neat. I really like how you wove material from other books into this, that was quite well done.
    I no longer actively read the forums, and probably won't respond to any PMs. I'm fine with people using my homebrew in anything, including fan-compilations and wikis, as long as you credit me.

    Homebrew by The Demented One.

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Org](PrC/A) Order of Eternal Summer


  6. - Top - End - #6
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: [Org](PrC/A) Order of Eternal Summer

    That you reference already published material is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it means I can use my DMG II to reference things you mention (working in new material with old material is cool). On the other hand, it means that the organization is a bit less useful if I haven't bought the DMG II (I haven't).
    "If Merlin had seen what you had seen, Merlin would have died, and Merlin would have died without regret, for Merlin receives facts reasonably." -- James Branch Cabell, Jurgen

    Also known as Oaz or Cantankerous on other message boards.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Org](PrC/A) Order of Eternal Summer

    Quote Originally Posted by Carmichael
    That you reference already published material is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it means I can use my DMG II to reference things you mention (working in new material with old material is cool). On the other hand, it means that the organization is a bit less useful if I haven't bought the DMG II (I haven't).
    Granted, but I'm also fairly certain what I have referenced (the Killing Frost of Ghulurak) is ambiguous enough that you can at the very least make something up on your own.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Org](PrC/A) Order of Eternal Summer

    Not up for judging, but still done

    ===Prestige Class - Agent of Summer===
    Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Knowledge (Nature) 8 ranks

    Special: Must be a Member of the Order of Eternal Summer; must own one copy of the Codex Ignus; must have entered Order of Eternal Summer through Trial of Wits or have two levels in another Summer class.

    ====Agent of Summer Progression====
    HD: d6
    [tr][td]Level[/td] [td]Base Attack Bonus[/td] [td]Fort Save[/td] [td]Ref Save[/td] [td]Will Save[/td] [td]Special[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]1st[/td] [td]+0[/td] [td]+0[/td] [td]+2[/td] [td]+2[/td] [td]Corona, Light[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]2nd[/td] [td]+1[/td] [td]+0[/td] [td]+3[/td] [td]+3[/td] [td]Dazzling Corona[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]3rd[/td] [td]+2[/td] [td]+1[/td] [td]+3[/td] [td]+3[/td] [td]Blurring Corona, Sneak Attack +1d6[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]4th[/td] [td]+3[/td] [td]+1[/td] [td]+4[/td] [td]+4[/td] [td]Fire Jump 20', Cold Resist 5, Fire Resist 5[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]5th[/td] [td]+3[/td] [td]+1[/td] [td]+4[/td] [td]+4[/td] [td]Blinding Corona[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]6th[/td] [td]+4[/td] [td]+2[/td] [td]+5[/td] [td]+5[/td] [td]Sneak Attack +2d6, Fire Jump 40'[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]7th[/td] [td]+5[/td] [td]+2[/td] [td]+5[/td] [td]+5[/td] [td]Cold Resist 10, Fire Resist 10[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]8th[/td] [td]+6[/td] [td]+2[/td] [td]+6[/td] [td]+6[/td] [td]Fire Jump 80', Blinking Corona[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]9th[/td] [td]+6[/td] [td]+3[/td] [td]+6[/td] [td]+6[/td] [td]Sneak Attack +3d6[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]10th[/td] [td]+7[/td] [td]+3[/td] [td]+7[/td] [td]+7[/td] [td]Fire Jump 160', Cold Resist 15, Fire Resist 15[/td][/tr][/table]

    ====Class Features====
    Class Skills (6 + Int): Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Nature), Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Survival, Tumble, Use Magic Device, Use Rope

    Corona (Su): At first level, a Summerian can surround himself with a glowing halo of sunlight. This corona, in addition to giving off light as a torch does, grants a modicum of protection to the Summerian. He gains a bonus to his armor class equal to his Charisma modifier. He may activate this ability a number of times per day equal to his class level plus his Charisma modifier. A Summerian can activate his corona as a swift action and deactivate it as a free action. If he does not deactivate it himself, it remains active for a number of rounds equal to his class level plus his constitution modifier.

    Light (Sp): At first level, a Summerian learns to manipulate ambient light using arcane powers. He may cast light, as the spell, a number of times per day equal to his class level. His caster level is equal to class level.

    Dazzling Corona (Su): At second level, as a swift action, an Agent of Summer with his corona active can spend one use of his corona to cause all opponents within the radius of his corona (30') to become flat-footed if they fail a Reflex save (DC equal to 10 + Agent of Summer class level + Cha mod).

    Blurring Corona: At third level, an Agent of Summer can use his corona to blur his image;. By spending an additional use when activating his corona, he can gain the benefits of the blur spell for the duration of his corona.

    Sneak Attack: At third level, and every three levels thereafter, an Agent of Summer gains sneak attack damage dice. An Agent of Summer with his corona active can convert any number of dice of sneak attack damage from physical damage to fire damage.

    Fire Jump (Su): At fourth level, an Agent of Summer gaints the ability to travel between sources of fire as if by means of a dimension door spell. The limitation is that the magical transport must end in an area with a fire larger than a candle. An Agent of Summer can jump up to a total of 20 feet each day in this way; this may be a single jump of 20 feet or two jumps of 10 feet each. Every two levels higher than fourth, the distance an Agent of Summer can jump each day doubles. This amount can be split among many jumps, but each one, no matter how small, counts as a 10-foot increment.

    Blinding Corona (Su): Starting at fifth level, a Summerian can intensify his corona further. By spending two additional uses when activating his corona, he can cause it to blind opponents within 45'. A successful fortitude save (DC 10 + the Summerian's class level + Cha modifier) negates this effect. Regardless of whether or not he blinds any opponents, the Summerian also gains partial concealment (20% miss chance).

    Blinking Corona (Su): Starting at eighth level, a Summerian can blur his image using the light created by his corona. By spending two additional uses when activating his corona, he can give himself the benefits of the blink spell for the duration of the corona.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Org](PrC/A) Order of Eternal Summer

    Also not up for judging but still done

    ===Prestige Class - Sage of Summer===
    Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Knowledge (Nature) 8 ranks

    Special: Must be a Member of the Order of Eternal Summer; must own one copy of the Codex Ignus; must have entered Order of Eternal Summer through Trial of Wizardry or have two levels in another Summer class.

    ====Sage of Summer Progression====
    HD: d4
    [tr][td]Level[/td] [td]Base Attack Bonus[/td] [td]Fort Save[/td] [td]Ref Save[/td] [td]Will Save[/td] [td]Special[/td] [td]Spells[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]1st[/td] [td]+0[/td] [td]+0[/td] [td]+0[/td] [td]+2[/td] [td]Corona, Light[/td] [td]+1 level of existing spellcasting class[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]2nd[/td] [td]+1[/td] [td]+0[/td] [td]+0[/td] [td]+3[/td] [td]Piercing Corona[/td] [td]-[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]3rd[/td] [td]+1[/td] [td]+1[/td] [td]+1[/td] [td]+3[/td] [td]Cold Resist 5[/td] [td]+1 level of existing spellcasting class[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]4th[/td] [td]+2[/td] [td]+1[/td] [td]+1[/td] [td]+4[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]-[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]5th[/td] [td]+2[/td] [td]+1[/td] [td]+1[/td] [td]+4[/td] [td]Resisting Corona[/td] [td]+1 level of existing spellcasting class[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]6th[/td] [td]+3[/td] [td]+2[/td] [td]+2[/td] [td]+5[/td] [td]Cold Resist 10[/td] [td]+1 level of existing spellcasting class[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]7th[/td] [td]+3[/td] [td]+2[/td] [td]+2[/td] [td]+5[/td] [td]Empowering Corona[/td] [td]+1 level of existing spellcasting class[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]8th[/td] [td]+4[/td] [td]+2[/td] [td]+2[/td] [td]+6[/td] [td] -[/td] [td]+1 level of existing spellcasting class[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]9th[/td] [td]+4[/td] [td]+3[/td] [td]+3[/td] [td]+6[/td] [td]Cold Resist 20[/td] [td]+1 level of existing spellcasting class[/td][/tr]

    [tr][td]10th[/td] [td]+5[/td] [td]+3[/td] [td]+3[/td] [td]+7[/td] [td]Reflecting Corona[/td] [td]+1 level of existing spellcasting class[/td][/tr][/table]

    ====Class Features====
    Class Skills (2 + Int): Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Gather Information, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Nature), Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (The Planes), Listen, Search, Spellcraft, Survival, Use Magic Device

    Corona (Su): At first level, a Summerian can surround himself with a glowing halo of sunlight. This corona, in addition to giving off light as a torch does, grants a modicum of protection to the Summerian. He gains a bonus to his armor class equal to his Charisma modifier. He may activate this ability a number of times per day equal to his class level plus his Charisma modifier. A Summerian can activate his corona as a swift action and deactivate it as a free action. If he does not deactivate it himself, it remains active for a number of rounds equal to his class level plus his constitution modifier.

    Light (Sp): At first level, a Summerian learns to manipulate ambient light using arcane powers. He may cast light, as the spell, a number of times per day equal to his class level. His caster level is equal to class level.

    Piercing Corona (Su): At second level, a Sage of Summer gains the ability to use his corona to cinrease the power of his spells. While his corona is active, a Sage of Summer's spells receive a bonus to overcome spell resistance equal to his Charisma modifier.

    Resisting Corona (Su): At fifth level, a Sage of Summer's corona grants him a modicum of resistance against the magic of his opponents. By spending an additional use of his corona when he activates it, he gains Spell Resistance equal to his Hit Dice plus ten for the duration of his corona.

    Empowering Corona (Su): At seventh level, a Sage of Summer can use his corona to empower his spells. While his corona is active, he can spend two uses of it to empower any spell he casts as it is being cast. The spell to be empowered must take up a spell slot no higher than two levels below the maximum caster level of the Sage of Summer.

    Reflective Corona (Su): At tenth level, a Sage of Summer can use his corona to reflect spells cast at him back at it's caster. By spending two additional uses of his corona when activating it, he gains the benefits of spell turning. This is exactly the same as the spell of the same name, except that it has no limitation as to number of spells returned. Instead, it is limited only by the duration of the Sage's corona.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Ogre in the Playground
    MandibleBones's Avatar

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    Sunny California

    Default Re: [Org](PrC/A) Order of Eternal Summer

    Nicely done indeed. I like it.
    Mandible Bones, the Worst Pirate Ever.
    I prepared explosive rum this morning.
    Homebrew 3.5 base class: The Iron Chef

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Mike_Lemmer's Avatar

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    Default Re: [Org](PrC/A) Order of Eternal Summer

    One criticism:
    Why do potential recruits have to defeat a current member in a competition to join? It's like asking a kid to beat a 1st-grader in a quiz to enter kindergarten. I'd suggest changing that recruitment requirement to "Fulfill a task for the Order."
    PCs: Horacio, Gorby, Helionaluxis

    Avatar by Ceika

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Org](PrC/A) Order of Eternal Summer

    Point taken. I'll change the Trials.

    EDIT: Changèd.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Mike_Lemmer's Avatar

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default Re: [Org](PrC/A) Order of Eternal Summer

    Much nicer. With the Magic trials dipping into the War & Wits trials, I could also see multiple apprentices working together to complete related trials. Sounds like a decent campaign starter or party goal.
    PCs: Horacio, Gorby, Helionaluxis

    Avatar by Ceika

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