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    Titan in the Playground
    PairO'Dice Lost's Avatar

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    Malsheem, Nessus

    Default Masters of the Nine Swords [IC]


    The rising sun shines brightly over the walls of the Temple of the Four Seasons. Today is the summer solstice, and the Sunspire Mountains are ablaze with light. The Temple apprentices have risen early for their morning's exercises, and the many experienced adepts are taking the novices through their paces. In the shade of the east wall, one Initiate is putting the newest arrivals through their paces. "Excellent form," he tells one novice approvingly as the latter's blade shows the barest flicker of flame. "That was a perfect example of Single Candle in the Night. I believe you are ready to learn the intricacies of the Blistering Flourish." To the west, some of the more advanced students spar under the watchful eyes of the senior students. Calls of correction and admonishment ring out every so often: "Vargos! Remember to retreat back into Black Doubt after your assault!" and "Your coordination needs work, gentlemen. If you both wish to attack her with Bounding Assault at the same time, you must first assume the Dancing Blade Form!" and even "Excellent kata! Now, between the fifth and sixth strikes, we will add in Leaping Flame...."

    To the south, three beings stand on the steps to the inner sanctuary, overseeing all that transpires. These three, the Grandmasters of the Temple, rarely intervene in the training, preferring to focus on one-on-one tutoring with their most promising students. Still, they will lend a hand where one is needed. Grandmaster Tsikul, a lithe asherati from the nearby Great Golden Desert, sometimes appears out of the sandy training ground floor to give her opinion on the readiness of lower adepts to advance through the ranks; Grandmaster Sapier, a scholarly illumian from the Isles of Dawn, can always be relied upon to gently correct a stance or position an arm properly when a student is struggling. Grandmaster Sovornost, a nimble raptoran native to the Sunspire Mountains, often hovers above the Temple's large-scale exercises, coordinating novices during the more intricate scenarios. Today, though, their attention is focused on the north wall of the Temple, where a large gate leads to the outside world, inscribed with the Temple's motto of 'Perfection through Transcendance, Power through Knowledge, Strength through Purpose'.

    The Grandmasters' attention to the gates is rewarded as a disturbance outside causes the novices to pause in their exercises. A bloody and bedraggled--but fiercely smiling--adept leads a handful of others through the entrance and straight up to where the Grandmasters stand. "Grandmasters!" the adept calls out, loud enough for all in the courtyard to hear, "We return successful from our mission! The adepts of the Temple of the Unconquered Sun were fierce opponents, but they were too late! The prize is ours!" He motions for another adept to come forth, and she does so, a long, thin wooden case in her hands. "At long last, Supernal Clarity is in deserving hands once more!" He opens the case with a flick of his wrist and draws out the sword inside it with the same motion. The rapier Supernal Clarity gleams in the sunlight, and time seems to freeze as the gravity of the moment silences everyone there. An eternity later, the moment is broken by the shouts and cheers of the adepts as they congratulate their brothers and sisters on their mission. The Grandmasters smile, well pleased.


    It is several hours later, just after the noon meal. Four of the most senior adepts have been called into the inner sanctuary to meet with the three Grandmasters in private. After the appropriate rituals have been observed, Grandmaster Tsikul steps forward. "Adepts Abd, Four, Belcor, and Torog, this day is one of momentous import. For the first time since our founding, we possess all four of the Nine Swords that correspond to our disciples, the same number that our enemy Temple does. Our adepts have never been more skilled or stronger than they are today. Today, we begin what should have begun long ago: the eradication of the Temple of the Unconquered Sun and the unification of its relics and its students under our banner. You four will lead that mission. Though there are others among us who have devoted their lives to mastering a single discipline, you four are unsurpassed in your mastery of each of your chosen paths, and have been judged worthy. Thus, today, we finally bestow upon you four the honor and recognition that you deserve for the skill and integrity you have demonstrated in service to this Temple. Please kneel." She turns and takes a sword case from Grandmaster Sapier. "Adept Torog Three-Mountains, you are Adept no more. Henceforth, you are Master of Spring. We return Unfettered to its rightful owner, he who wielded it in the Battle of the Nine Swords. Let its power flow into you as life from the new earth; strike with the crushing force of an unstoppable avalanche. Wield it well." Unfettered expands as Torog places it in its sheath; the greatsword is as light and strong as it was the day Torog arrived at the Temple and handed it over to Grandmaster Tsikul for safekeeping and study.

    "Adept Abd al-Aziz," she continues, "you are Adept no more. Henceforth, you are Master of Summer. We return Desert Wind to its rightful owner, he who wielded it in the Battle of the Nine Swords. Let its power emanate from you as the desert haze; strike with the scorching fury of the howling sirocco. Wield it well." Abd's desert attire flutters in the warm breeze caused by the opening of the scimitar's case as he accepts his sword. Taking yet a third case, Tsikul continues, "Adept Four of Nine, you are Adept no more. Henceforth, you are Master of Autumn. We return Kamate to its rightful owner, he who wielded it in the Battle of the Nine Swords. Let its power surround you as the furious storm; strike with the intricate precision of the falling leaves. Wield it well." Faint goblin voices chant the bastard sword's name as it is moved from the case to Four's sheath; like Unfettered and Desert Wind, Kamate seems not to have aged a day while in the Temple's care. "And finally," Grandmaster Tsikul declares, taking the final case, "Adept Belcor, you are Adept no more. Henceforth, you are Master of Winter. We give to you Supernal Clarity, which has been without a wielder since the Treachery. Let its power settle upon you as the crystalline frost; strike with the focused purity of a single ice crystal. Wield it well." Supernal Clarity seems to take forever to lift from the case, yet it is swinging in its sheath at Belcor's hip in the blink of an eye; the rapier seems undamaged by its mishandling by the rakshasa thief, and is as sharp as ever.

    Grandmaster Sovornost speaks for the first time. "Rise, Masters of the Seasons, and kneel to us no more. As Grandmaster Tsikul said, you are to spearhead our mission to reconstruct the true Temple. The first step in this mission is to ensure that the Temple of the Unconquered Sun does not know what has transpired today." He pauses, and when he continues his voice is solemn. "Our victory today was not without cost. Eighteen of our strongest adepts left one week ago to retrieve Supernal Clarity; five returned. It is only because the Unconquered Sun adepts they encountered there had already weakened and distracted their quarry that our adepts were able to force it to flee and retrieve the Sword, and it is only because the Unconquered Sun adepts were weakened themselves that our adepts were able to return alive. It is because we anticipated this that you four were not included in this mission: now the four of you are fresh and rested and will have the advantage over our opponents, and--more importantly--should they manage to return to their Temple before you can find them, they do not know your faces, and will assume incorrectly that the adepts on that mission were our best. Go now, find the Unconquered Sun adepts and the rakshasa thief and slay them all, to silence the former and punish the latter."

    This is the IC thread for the Masters of the Nine Swords game; the OOC thread is here
    Last edited by PairO'Dice Lost; 2012-02-27 at 02:28 AM.
    Better to DM in Baator than play in Celestia
    You can just call me Dice; that's how I roll.

    Spoiler: Sig of Holding

    Quote Originally Posted by abadguy View Post
    Darn you PoDL for making me care about a bunch of NPC Commoners!
    Quote Originally Posted by Chambers View Post
    I'm pretty sure turning Waterdeep into a sheet of glass wasn't the best win condition for that fight. We lived though!
    Quote Originally Posted by MaxiDuRaritry View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by PairO'DiceLost View Post
    Where are my Like, Love, and Want to Have Your Manchildren (Totally Homo) buttons for this post?
    Won a cookie for this, won everything for this

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Masters of the Nine Swords [IC]

    Torog Three-Mountains kneels throughout the ceremony, as unmoving as the very mountain itself. He is clad in forest-green training robes, his head bowed as the great honor is bestowed upon him.

    The blade of my people, in my hands again. I can feel the strength of the earth flowing back into me. It is finally time...too long have we waited. The traitors will finally be broken. The temple will be restored. I will find peace.

    At the grandmaster's command he rises. "We will not fail. Our foes will be crushed and scattered as dust." With that he momentarily closes his eyes, black plates forming from the ether. He now stands fully-armored, the high-polish of the black enameled steel reflecting the light from the high sun.

    "Point me to them and they shall bear the weight of the mountain."
    Last edited by stack; 2012-02-14 at 02:11 PM.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Masters of the Nine Swords [IC]

    Post based on now-disappeared DM post
    listen (1d20+4)[5]

    Torog looks around, feeling constricted in the caves, preferring the open air of the temple or the mountaintop. He speaks in a low, gravelly rumble, trying to keep his booming voice from carrying. "Initiate, did the traitors you fought specialize in any school, or where they generalists? Did any blend magic with their styles? Where they carrying any artifacts or magic items of note?"

    "If they have a leader yet alive, we ought strike him first, break the morale of the others while removing the greatest threat. Fellow masters, if you agree, I will seek to crush their leader as we join battle. I ask not for my own honor, but to speed the success of our mission."

    IE a charging, power attacking dungeon crasher might be able to take out a foe in the opening round, if no one gets tricky.
    Last edited by stack; 2012-02-14 at 02:41 PM.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Masters of the Nine Swords [IC]

    The warforged stands rigid, like the statue that it so closely resembles sae for the equipment hanging off the sentient creature. As he is named Master of Autumn he strides forward, a blur forming around his form and the ground crashing under the massively heavy impact of the vanguard treads.

    The voice, like rusty blades creaking together, "I am honoured Grandmasters.". Inside his metal shrouded form he can feel the pride in his achievement. No longer a mere tool for the Temple he is now accepted as an equal amongst them.

    At the talk of the mission he nods to the master's. "I will not pause in my quest. I will not rest before I crush them. Weak or strong the Tiger, the Shadow and the Spirit are as wheat before the Iron Scythe" .

    With that he turns to face the others. "Fellow masters, when do we leave?"

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Masters of the Nine Swords [IC]

    It was only 30 minutes after noon meal and he was back in the training grounds honing his skill.



    A slight change of his feet and bend of the wrist altered the arc of his blade making the air around it erupt in flame as he twirled his scimitar around like a roiling typhoon.

    The maneuver done with he stops, placing his hand on his scabbard he replaces his weapon slowly, controlling his breathing as he did, his heart beat slowed and he moved effortlessly through the ending Gi, standing in his defensive stance and placing his hands together.

    Holding the finishing stance he heard a shuffle behind him. Very well then, I am done.

    Turning and looking to the person who was waiting on him he saw a younger adept, a mere novice in the art, it was obvious that he was nervous in the presence of such a senior adept, but Abd never let it get to him. He was a student of the desert and of the Wind, there was no room for pride.

    Finally waiting too long for the adept to speak he speaks in kind "Well adept? what can I do for you brother?"

    The young man, barely a week over his naming day handed him a rolled parchment with the seal of the Grandmasters.

    Interesting Abd thought to himself but said nothing otherwise as he watched the young boy run off and talk to his friends on how he met him no doubt.

    Smiling at the thought of it all he walked towards his cell to begin his sparring exercises to cool off. Once done he would peal of the wax seal and read the summons to the Grandmasters in one hour.

    And so it begins

    An hour later he moved to the chamber before the inner sanctuary, he saw three others there and was not surprised. He nodded to Torog a mountain of a man, a gentle being he was but terrible to behold on the sparring mattress. Next was Four, he was an enigma to Abd, he respected his prowess and lethality with the his chosen discipline but other than that he did not know how to deal with the machine like man. And then there was good ole Richard a veritable genius of a man he would spar with him about facts and rare pieces of knowledge, he enjoyed it even though he usually lost to the man.

    Moments later he was inside the Inner sanctuary and kneeling before the Grandmasters receiving Desert Wind, the moment seemed to blur together. It had been a while since he had touched the weapon and his spirit jumped at the occasion to touch it again.

    Master of the Summer? Tis fitting indeed

    Upon being called to do so he stands and bows to the others "Congratulations my brothers, I am honored to be among you as we are." he says smiling with genuine satisfaction.

    He looks to the Grandmasters and bows low, following Four's comment he reiterates it "Indeed, I too am Honored"

    Turning and regarding the comment about being ready and heading out, he lets his hand rest on the pommel of his new blade. "I will need only a few moments to pick up some trinkets Master of Autumn, not long."

    Bel's Compendium
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    “Take but degree away, untune that string, And, hark, what discord follows!” -Shakespeare
    “Gnyðja mundu nú grísir, ef þeir vissi, hvat inn gamli þyldi” -Ragnar Lodbrok

    "I have a high art; I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me." -Archilochus

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  6. - Top - End - #6
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Masters of the Nine Swords [IC]

    4 of 9

    THe warforged moves smoothly outside, joints cracking as adamantine grinds on adamantine. As he moves his body begins to quicken and flow as he settels in the Stance of Absolute Steel; the natural set of his black steel body.

    Beginning to move the relic slowly about he begins to move through the forms of the Iron Heart, the Wall of Blades sliding into the deadly Finishing move and back into the manticore parry. The heavy adamantine figure graceful despite his bulk, the natural magical stealth built into his form blurring his outline...

    He practices by himself, focusing inwards until one of the other new masters disturbs him and its time to leave....


    He's got his bag. He doesn't need food

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Masters of the Nine Swords [IC]

    When everyone has completed their preparations to leave, the Grandmasters summon you all to the main gate of the Temple, where all of the students have gathered to see you off. Everyone in the Temple has all been told of your ascension to the rank of Master, and murmured congratulations follow you as you walk through the crowd to the gates. Standing there with the Grandmasters is Adept al-Wazra, one of the adepts who was among the survivors of the original mission. She will be leading you to the location where they last saw the Unconquered Sun adepts, and you will pick up their trail from there.

    In silence, the Grandmasters bow to you, and the gate opens with a wave of Sovornost's hand. The students cheer as you exit the gates, calling out best wishes for your excursion and hopes for a quick return. Adept al-Wazra waves back at them and leads you to the closest entrance to the Bottomless Caves of Khazar, the twisting labyrinth of caverns below the mountains.


    The journey from the Temple to the site of the last battle took the remainder of the afternoon and evening and most of the night; the dawn's first light saw the four of you and al-Wazra descending into the Caves for the first time. A good half a day later, you five came across a campsite that seems to have been used by the Unconquered Sun adepts. Another one appeared a few hours later. The campsites have come closer and closer together as your search continues, both physically (as they seem to have stopped more frequently as time went on) and temporally, as you grow accustomed to following their trail. Plenty of blood dotted the winding mix of footprints, making it relatively easy to follow. You get the sense that you are swiftly closing in on your quarry.

    Adept al-Wazra informs you of what she knows as you travel. All of the adepts showed knowledge of Tiger Claw; some used the Shadow Hand style as well, while others used a few Setting Sun maneuvers. She doubts there are any divine spellcasters or Devoted Spirit adepts among them, as if they had any healers there would be less blood on the trail, but their leader did at one point cast a volley of magic missiles at her fleeing comrades to down some before they could all escape. There were roughly four dozen Unconquered Sun adepts when she last saw them, but enough of her comrades sacrificed themselves to let the rest escape that she doubts that there are more than two dozen left alive, and not in very good condition at that.

    Soon enough, you come upon a small encampment. Firelight flickers around a corner, throwing shadows upon the wall, and the sound of several indistinct voices echoes down the tunnel. Adept al-Wazra confirms that they are the voices of some of the Unconquered Sun adepts, including their apparent leader.

    If you want to scout around some side tunnels, make Listen/Spot checks, ask al-Wazra more questions, etc., do those now. Once everyone gets their scouting in and has a plan for battle, we'll roll initiative and begin.
    Better to DM in Baator than play in Celestia
    You can just call me Dice; that's how I roll.

    Spoiler: Sig of Holding

    Quote Originally Posted by abadguy View Post
    Darn you PoDL for making me care about a bunch of NPC Commoners!
    Quote Originally Posted by Chambers View Post
    I'm pretty sure turning Waterdeep into a sheet of glass wasn't the best win condition for that fight. We lived though!
    Quote Originally Posted by MaxiDuRaritry View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by PairO'DiceLost View Post
    Where are my Like, Love, and Want to Have Your Manchildren (Totally Homo) buttons for this post?
    Won a cookie for this, won everything for this

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Masters of the Nine Swords [IC]

    The forged was mostly silent in the long walk. His gliding adamantine body crushing through the terrain on massive spiked treads, a constant shimmering around his plate disrupting the details of his armoured form.

    "Were there any adepts of note amongst them displaying the more difficult to master techniques?"


    I.e are there any guys with level 6+ moves present?

    As they reach the corner of the tunnel, fires flickering on the wall the massive forge turns to the others. "I was not designed for stealthy operations..." his voice drops slightly lower... "Only 1 of my kind was...".

    Glancing at the rest of the party, particularly at the massive goliath of the Stone Dragon. "Master of Spring. Shall we assualt directly whilst the more subtle Masters of summer and Winter flank and destroy any mages or supporting elements that linger behind them. Particularly the shadow hand adepts."

    Drawing Kamate from its sheath he holds it cooly sliding back into the steel stance of light movement... "I am ready to assault when you are".


    In absolute Steel stance

    Moves Readied:
    Wall of Blades
    Manticore Parry
    Admantine Hurricane
    Iron Heart Surge
    Finishing Move
    Dazing Strike

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Masters of the Nine Swords [IC]

    Re-posting from before:
    Quote Originally Posted by stack View Post
    listen [roll0]

    Torog looks around, feeling constricted in the caves, preferring the open air of the temple or the mountaintop. He speaks in a low, gravelly rumble, trying to keep his booming voice from carrying. "Initiate, did the traitors you fought specialize in any school, or where they generalists? Did any blend magic with their styles? Where they carrying any artifacts or magic items of note?"

    "If they have a leader yet alive, we ought strike him first, break the morale of the others while removing the greatest threat. Fellow masters, if you agree, I will seek to crush their leader as we join battle. I ask not for my own honor, but to speed the success of our mission."

    IE a charging, power attacking dungeon crasher might be able to take out a foe in the opening round, if no one gets tricky.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Masters of the Nine Swords [IC]

    Abd stops and looks to the others as they speak, his covered face masking anything that might be portrayed be him, he liked it that way, it was the way of his people.

    "Calm yourselves brothers, I shall go and see what they look like, ready your newly received weapons for you shall need them shortly. I shall signal you with flame and then tarry here no longer and pursue with haste!"

    With that he fades into the darkness and moves as if a shadow amongst the darkness.

    Move Silently - (1d20+31)[35]
    Hide - (1d20+30)[38]


    He intends to move to the side and then initiate a surprise attack, but the layout of the opponents will be a big factor, could we get a map of some kind?

    Bel's Compendium
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    “Take but degree away, untune that string, And, hark, what discord follows!” -Shakespeare
    “Gnyðja mundu nú grísir, ef þeir vissi, hvat inn gamli þyldi” -Ragnar Lodbrok

    "I have a high art; I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me." -Archilochus

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  11. - Top - End - #11
    Titan in the Playground
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    Malsheem, Nessus

    Default Re: Masters of the Nine Swords [IC]

    Adept al-Wazra bows as she answers her Masters' questions. "The lesser adepts exhibited knowledge of Tiger Claw and Shadow Hand, Master Spring. They seemed to come out of nowhere when they first attacked, and easily tore three of my companions to pieces before we could react, so I believe they are quite skilled...but no, Master Autumn, I do not believe they are as skilled as I, and I have only recently mastered the Ring of Fire. Against such adepts as yourselves, they should stand no chance. Only their leader used any magic--that I saw, at least--but given the Unconquered Sun philosophy, he is likely to be much more skilled than the lesser adepts in whichever disciplines he favors, which may not be Tiger Claw and Shadow Hand. In fact, I never saw the leader fight, or even saw what weapon he used, as he slew any of my companions who came close enough to size him up. I suspect he wanted to keep his strengths secret, the easier to defeat us."

    As she whispers this to you four, you spread out to approach the cave from both directions. You can soon see into the encampment clearly, thanks to the flickering campfire in its center. Small piles of equipment--tents, bedrolls, piles of supplies, discarded clothing--are scattered throughout the cave with plenty of space between them. There are two exits to the small clearing on the other side of the encampment from you; it looks like this clearing was originally just a meeting of two tunnels that was expanded with time. Eleven humanoids of various races are sitting or standing around the fire, eating and talking; all carry at least one weapon in hand and ready for combat, and those who are only talking carry two. All, that is, except for one tall, bearded man in the center. His heavier armor, commanding gaze, and stern expression mark him as their leader, and al-Wazra confirms this impression. He is speaking with two of the lesser adepts away from the rest, and though he nods or gestures at times in response to their words he is otherwise silent.

    The green blocks are piles of equipment, and count as difficult terrain (light rubble), as does the fire pit in the middle. The purple A's are lesser Unconquered Sun adepts, the olive L is the leader, and the other letters are the respective PCs. The entire area in the center is lit normally, while the tunnels have shadowy illumination.
    Better to DM in Baator than play in Celestia
    You can just call me Dice; that's how I roll.

    Spoiler: Sig of Holding

    Quote Originally Posted by abadguy View Post
    Darn you PoDL for making me care about a bunch of NPC Commoners!
    Quote Originally Posted by Chambers View Post
    I'm pretty sure turning Waterdeep into a sheet of glass wasn't the best win condition for that fight. We lived though!
    Quote Originally Posted by MaxiDuRaritry View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by PairO'DiceLost View Post
    Where are my Like, Love, and Want to Have Your Manchildren (Totally Homo) buttons for this post?
    Won a cookie for this, won everything for this

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Masters of the Nine Swords [IC]

    Torog Three-Mountains, Master of Spring

    Upon hearing the scouting report, Torog replies, "They are wise to keep their leader surrounded. It shall be more difficult to strike him. The plan remains though, we will over-run the lesser adepts and eliminate their leader. Let us go. May your steel strike true."
    When the attack is about to begin, the man, already of significant proportion, grows yet bigger, threatening to overwhelm the boundaries of the tunnel. As he crouches, he melds into the shadow, reappearing in the room. The entire southern wall is darkened by his shadow as he brandishes his great blade.

    before battle, using Unfettered to cast enlarge (CL5, 5 minutes), (not limited to humanoids)

    first round (or surprise round), using shadow jaunt to teleport to the four squares starting down and right from the leader, adjacent to the two adepts and covering one square of difficult terrain.

    Activating Robilar's gambit, all foes get +4 attack, +4 damage & provoke AOO's for attacking, swift to activate armor of displacement 50% miss chance for 5 rounds

    AOO's for conveniance, taken in order they are provoked (max 4 AOO's:

    AOO1(1d20+23)[39] (-5 PA)
    damage (4d6+31)[48] (19 base + 10 PA + 2 armbands of might)
    bullrush check on hit (1d20+25)[26] (+11 str, + 4 Imp bull rush + 2 armbands of might +8 size (large w/ powerful build)

    AOO2(1d20+23)[32] (-5 PA)
    damage (4d6+31)[47] (19 base + 10 PA + 2 armbands of might)
    bullrush check on hit (1d20+25)[32] (+11 str, + 4 Imp bull rush + 2 armbands of might +8 size (large w/ powerful build)

    AOO3 (1d20+23)[28] (-5 PA)
    damage (4d6+31)[45] (19 base + 10 PA + 2 armbands of might)
    bullrush check on hit (1d20+25)[45] (+11 str, + 4 Imp bull rush + 2 armbands of might +8 size (large w/ powerful build)

    AOO4 (1d20+23)[25] (-5 PA)
    damage (4d6+31)[40] (19 base + 10 PA + 2 armbands of might)
    bullrush check on hit (1d20+25)[41] (+11 str, + 4 Imp bull rush + 2 armbands of might +8 size (large w/ powerful build)
    Last edited by stack; 2012-02-27 at 08:26 AM.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Titan in the Playground
    BelGareth's Avatar

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    Default Re: Masters of the Nine Swords [IC]

    Moving through the passage Abd see's the group that the Adept al-Wazra had talked about, he smiled under his desert garb and was confident the darkness will cover his movement up.

    Deciding to take the initiative and to 'signal' the other Masters Abd assumes the stance of the Rising Phoenix, his feet slowly levitate a few inches off the ground a pillar of heated air surrounds him as he takes off towards the room full of enemy Adepts.

    Moving so fast his enemies barely have time to react as he positions himself and twirls Desert Wind producing a conflagration of flame smothering several of the enemies caught unawares.


    Initiative: 28
    Swift: Assume Rising Phoenix stance
    Move: Move adjacent to the top right adept (movement 50, ignore terrain)
    Standard: Initiate Wyrm's Flame
    Fire Damage - (11d6+8)[65] DC 26 FF Ref for half damage
    (+1d6 desert Fire + 8 Insightful strike)

    Last edited by BelGareth; 2012-02-27 at 01:28 PM.

    Bel's Compendium
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    “Take but degree away, untune that string, And, hark, what discord follows!” -Shakespeare
    “Gnyðja mundu nú grísir, ef þeir vissi, hvat inn gamli þyldi” -Ragnar Lodbrok

    "I have a high art; I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me." -Archilochus

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  14. - Top - End - #14
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Masters of the Nine Swords [IC]

    4 of 9 Master of Autumn

    THe warforged pauses to focus himself before launching nimself forward sliding gracefully along the cave floor as the world explodes in a fire and the massive Master of Spring appears in a puff and swirl of shadow hand.

    The Master of Autumn is unperturbed as he races towards the nearest adept ready to return any strike with lethal counter, his form shimmering and masked by protective magics.


    Grr Torog stole my space

    In Absolute steel stance. Move adjacent to nearest enemy adept (double move).

    In Robilar's Gambit. THough will not take any AoO this round using them to power Stormguard warrior for next round.

    Have 50% miss chance due to ring, speed enhancement and moving 10ft.

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    Beclor moves forward from his hiding place in the passageway, drawing Supernatural Clarity as he moves. When first rounding the corner, his eyes fall upon the group of adepts he had been warned of. Their leader stood apart however, and Belcor leveled a hard glare at the man.

    Belcor's movement carried him to rest in front of an Unconquered Sun adept, which he promptly struck at with Clarity, his weapon guided by mental insight.


    Initiative (1d20+13)[17]

    Then a Duel of Wills with the leader, Unnerving Calm allows a concentration check for it, so (1d20+30)[33]

    Then move action to get next to the closest adept, who is the bottom far left one.
    Standard Action, Greater Insightful Strike
    Attack (1d20+19)[33]
    Damage (1d20+26)[28] x2

    DnD Me
    Neutral Evil Human Sorcerer/Rogue (1st/1st Level)
    Ability Scores:

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    Default Re: Masters of the Nine Swords [IC]

    4 of 9 continues to glide forward in the shimmering magical field surrounding him as he rolls past the slow moving adept in front of him rolling onto the stony ground. The massive vanguard treads digging deep and biting into the rocks as he spins acclerating faster and faster as the adamantine Hurricane strikes...


    Move to the difficult ground on the other side of the unreactive adept so that he and the leader are flanking me.

    THen adamantine Hurricane Vs flat footed opponents.
    Power attack 6 Vs adept (1d20+25)[44] damage (1d10+32)[39] if 41 confirms extra 42 damage
    Power attack 6 Vs adept (1d20+25)[38] damage (1d10+32)[39]

    Power attack 6 Vs leader (1d20+25)[36] damage (1d10+32)[37]
    Power attack 6 Vs leader (1d20+25)[45] damage (1d10+32)[37] if 36 confirms extra 35 damage

    Dodge Vs Leader (AC 37 Vs leader, 36 Vs others +50% miss chance)
    Elusive Target- negate leader power attack
    Elusive target- Leader will miss me and attack the adept

    Robilars Gambit (enemy get +4 to hit/damage)
    AoO as needed against anyone (including Battle Mastery):-
    -- all AoO should be +5 damage due to Battle Mastery
    attack (1d20+28)[41] damage (1d10+32)[33]
    attack (1d20+28)[48] damage (1d10+32)[36]
    attack (1d20+28)[48] damage (1d10+32)[39] if 35 confirms extra 41 damage
    attack (1d20+28)[42] damage (1d10+32)[35] if 45 confirms extra 44 damage
    attack (1d20+28)[43] damage (1d10+32)[41]
    attack (1d20+28)[33] damage (1d10+32)[38]

    Against first attack from an adept that hits me I'll try Manticore Parry to move the blow to hit the leader... (1d20+28)[34]

    Last edited by DrK; 2012-03-01 at 02:36 PM.

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    Default Re: Masters of the Nine Swords [IC]

    The adepts around the leader finish speaking, and he answers them in a deep, gravelly voice. "I remain unconvinced. When we return to the Temple, you may present your case to the--what the--!?" His words are cut off in an angry cry as he spots Belcor and Four rushing towards him from different directions. Four lands on the pile of gear between the leader and another adept not party to the conversation, expertly balancing on a now-crushed tent. The Master of Autumn's expert bladework separates the adept's head from his shoulders before he can react, but the leader avoids this fate, ducking below the swing. The backswing hits him, however, and leaves a large gash in his left arm. The leader looks up at Four, glaring daggers at him, and the same glare falls upon Belcor as the Master of Winter thrusts Supernal Clarity into a nearby adept's stomach, as if to say you may threaten my adepts, but you mean nothing to me.

    The leader ignores his adept's shocked cry of pain as the rapier is withdrawn from his gut and returns Belcor's hard glare with one of his own. His vision quickly swings to his left as he catches sight of Abd with his peripheral vision. The Master of Summer lights most of the piles of equipment on fire, leaving them to slowly smolder to the ground. Most of the adepts caught by his maneuver, including the leader, manage to twist away from the worst of the flames, but two are not so lucky, and are incinerated where they stand, leaving only boots behind.

    Ref saves vs. Wyrm's Flame
    Leader: (1d20+21)[34] vs. DC 26
    Adept 2: (1d20+17)[18] vs. DC 26
    Adept 3: (1d20+17)[35] vs. DC 26
    Adept 4: (1d20+17)[28] vs. DC 26
    Adept 5: (1d20+17)[37] vs. DC 26
    Adept 6: (1d20+17)[19] vs. DC 26
    Adept 7: (1d20+17)[28] vs. DC 26

    Picking himself back up after the flames wash over him, the leader grimaces at the loss of so many adepts in so short a time. His adepts are supposed to be the ones doing all of the killing! He barks out a few phrases in a guttural tongue, then backs away from the Masters. When he is close to the wall with his back to it, he drops into a crouch. With his right hand, he draws a kukri from an ornate sheath at his belt, holding it slightly behind him in an offensive position, ready to strike. He makes a slashing gesture with his left hand and spits out a few words in draconic, and a blade of crackling electricity about the size of a short sword coalesces out of the air into his waiting palm; this weapon he holds in a defensive position in front of him.


    The leader Withdraws to the northwest area of the map, drawing a weapon as a free action and casting a spell as a swift action as he goes.

    "Naresh, Hurekh, split up and return to the Temple! We must warn them of this new threat! The rest of you, surround them, Formation Six."
    Last edited by PairO'Dice Lost; 2012-03-02 at 02:47 AM.
    Better to DM in Baator than play in Celestia
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    Quote Originally Posted by abadguy View Post
    Darn you PoDL for making me care about a bunch of NPC Commoners!
    Quote Originally Posted by Chambers View Post
    I'm pretty sure turning Waterdeep into a sheet of glass wasn't the best win condition for that fight. We lived though!
    Quote Originally Posted by MaxiDuRaritry View Post
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    Where are my Like, Love, and Want to Have Your Manchildren (Totally Homo) buttons for this post?
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    While the leader backs away, the adepts spring into action. Two of them start running toward the tunnels, one to the northwest tunnel and one to the northeast. They vanish from sight after a few seconds, as do all the other adepts. Moments later, the remaining adepts reappear flanking the Masters, dual kukris in hand, and do their best to kill their hated foes. Four reacts quickly to the ambush, wounding the adept attacking him as the adept overextends himself and deflecting the blow, but the other two Masters suffer a few gashes and scrapes where the adepts' blades find the weak points in their armor.

    As soon as the Unconquered Sun adepts fade back into view, Adept al-Wazra seizes the opportunity, hoping to finish off the one Four wounded. Running down the twisting passage where she was hiding, she bursts into view and leaps towards the adept behind Four. Her spear ignites with flame as she thrusts it at the enemy adept, but he dodges at the last second, leaving her two-handed strike to plunge into the cave floor. The Unconquered Sun leader watches all of this with a practiced eye. Torog soon interrupts this appraisal, fading into view directly in front of him and looming menacingly.

    Adept attacks
    vs. Abd
    Attack: (1d20+22)[35] vs. flat-footed; Damage: (3d6+11)[21] plus 50% chance (1-50 on (1d100)[86]) for (2d6+10)[17] sneak attack damage
    Attack: (1d20+22)[37] vs. flat-footed; Damage: (3d6+11)[18] plus 50% chance (1-50 on (1d100)[49]) for (2d6+10)[16] sneak attack damage

    vs. Four (Manticore Parry cannot be used, as there are no other adjacent enemies)
    Attack: (1d20+22)[33] vs. flat-footed; Damage: (5d6+21)[34]
    --Robilar's Gambit triggers, successful hit
    --Negated by Wall of Blades
    Attack: (1d20+22)[39] vs. flat-footed; Damage: (5d6+21)[39] Duplicate roll

    vs. Belcor
    Attack: (1d20+22)[26] vs. flat-footed; Damage: (3d6+11)[21]
    Attack: (1d20+22)[40] vs. flat-footed; Damage: (3d6+11)[22]

    al-Wazra's attack: (1d20+16)[18]; Damage: (1d6+39)[41] plus (1d6+11)[12] fire damage
    Last edited by PairO'Dice Lost; 2012-03-03 at 11:07 AM.
    Better to DM in Baator than play in Celestia
    You can just call me Dice; that's how I roll.

    Spoiler: Sig of Holding

    Quote Originally Posted by abadguy View Post
    Darn you PoDL for making me care about a bunch of NPC Commoners!
    Quote Originally Posted by Chambers View Post
    I'm pretty sure turning Waterdeep into a sheet of glass wasn't the best win condition for that fight. We lived though!
    Quote Originally Posted by MaxiDuRaritry View Post
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    Map--Round 1
    The orange squares are squares of equipment lit on fire by Wyrm's Flame; passing through them deals 1d6 fire damage.
    Better to DM in Baator than play in Celestia
    You can just call me Dice; that's how I roll.

    Spoiler: Sig of Holding

    Quote Originally Posted by abadguy View Post
    Darn you PoDL for making me care about a bunch of NPC Commoners!
    Quote Originally Posted by Chambers View Post
    I'm pretty sure turning Waterdeep into a sheet of glass wasn't the best win condition for that fight. We lived though!
    Quote Originally Posted by MaxiDuRaritry View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by PairO'DiceLost View Post
    Where are my Like, Love, and Want to Have Your Manchildren (Totally Homo) buttons for this post?
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    Default Re: Masters of the Nine Swords [IC]

    With enemies on both sides, Belcor calls upon training outside his primary domain, and with a slight flourish, the tip of Clarity bursts into flames. With a now flaming weapon, Belcor lashes out at his enemies on either side in an attempt to murder the both of them.


    Swift Action: Inferno Blade
    Full Attack

    Attacks 1,3 target the adept in front, Attack 2 targets the other adept.

    Attack 1 (1d20+20)[25] Damage (1d6+5)[11] Fire Damage (3d6+15)[25]

    Attack 2 (1d20+15)[35] Damage (1d6+5)[8] Fire Damage (3d6+15)[22]

    Attack 3 (1d20+10)[18] Damage (1d6+5)[10] Fire Damage (3d6+15)[26]

    DnD Me
    Neutral Evil Human Sorcerer/Rogue (1st/1st Level)
    Ability Scores:

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    Finding himself alone with the leader, Torog smiles grimly behind his dragon mask. "Let's see how you fair, traitor. None of your lesser students stand between us. Feel the weight of the mountain!"

    Unfettered falls repeatedly, the heavy blade driven by mighty strength, the force of the avalanche bearing down. He moves with shocking speed, the blows unrelenting.

    50% miss chance vs Torog is still up.

    Round 1 action: full attack w/ PA 5, taking a 5' step to stay in reach when needed

    attack (1d20+23)[36]
    damage (3d6+29)[41]
    bullrush check (1d20+25)[29] (push toward wall)
    dungeoncrasher damage (4d6+22)[41]

    attack (1d20+18)[31]
    damage (3d6+29)[41]
    bullrush check (1d20+25)[33] (push toward wall)
    dungeoncrasher damage (4d6+22)[41]

    attack (1d20+13)[31]
    damage (3d6+29)[36]
    bullrush check (1d20+25)[30] (push toward wall)
    dungeoncrasher damage (4d6+22)[34]

    Then swift action, moment of Alacrity to move up in the initiative count next round (initiative set to 20), which will place him acting before the enemy for round 2 and all subsequent rounds).

    If possible (otherwise let me know and I will post new actions):

    Round 2 action: PA 5, full attack
    attack (1d20+23)[24]
    damage (3d6+29)[44]
    bullrush check (1d20+25)[28] (push toward wall)
    dungeoncrasher damage (4d6+22)[32]

    attack (1d20+18)[31]
    damage (3d6+29)[39]
    bullrush check (1d20+25)[34] (push toward wall)
    dungeoncrasher damage (4d6+22)[36]

    attack (1d20+13)[21]
    damage (3d6+29)[40]
    bullrush check (1d20+25)[43] (push toward wall)
    dungeoncrasher damage (4d6+22)[31]

    You put him between Torog and a wall on purpose, right?

    Oh, yeah, Robilar's gambit.
    attack (1d20+23)[38]
    damage (3d6+29)[38]
    bullrush check (1d20+25)[45] (push toward wall)
    dungeoncrasher damage (4d6+22)[36]

    attack (1d20+23)[24]
    damage (3d6+29)[37]
    bullrush check (1d20+25)[37] (push toward wall)
    dungeoncrasher damage (4d6+22)[37]

    attack (1d20+23)[35]
    damage (3d6+29)[34]
    bullrush check (1d20+25)[28] (push toward wall)
    dungeoncrasher damage (4d6+22)[36]

    attack (1d20+23)[28]
    damage (3d6+29)[40]
    bullrush check (1d20+25)[38] (push toward wall)
    dungeoncrasher damage (4d6+22)[34]
    Last edited by stack; 2012-03-02 at 09:26 AM.

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    Abd is not surprised when the Adepts come at him, what did surprise him was the blade in his back twisting an awful melody of pain.

    Grunting in pain his face scrunches up as he forces the feeling down into his blade, suddenly it lights up with a flash and Deserts Wind has turned into pure magma, the air super heated as the fine scimitar cuts through it.

    Striking with a purpose he goes at the two adepts who striked him, his blade flashing in the cave like a miniature sun.


    Swift: Inferno Blade
    Full round attack: Attack one until he drops then move to other. Start with adept closes to fire pit.
    Free action: 5ft Diagonally up and right
    Stance: Rising Phoenix
    HP's: 91/146

    Attack 1 - (1d20+20)[34]
    Damage 1 - (1d6+11)[14]
    Fire Damage - (1d6)[2] (Desert's Wind)
    Fire Damage - (3d6+15)[29] (Inferno Blade)
    Fire Damage - (3d6)[17] (Rising Phoenix)

    Attack 2 - (1d20+15)[18]
    Damage 2 - (1d6+11)[16]
    Fire Damage - (1d6)[6] (Desert's Wind)
    Fire Damage - (3d6+15)[27] (Inferno Blade)
    Fire Damage - (3d6)[9] (Rising Phoenix)

    Attack 3 - (1d20+10)[30]
    Damage 3 - (1d6+11)[17]
    Fire Damage - (1d6)[3] (Desert's Wind)
    Fire Damage - (3d6+15)[24] (Inferno Blade)
    Fire Damage - (3d6)[14] (Rising Phoenix)

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    Default Re: Masters of the Nine Swords [IC]

    The Master of Autumn glance at the dual wielding kukri armed adept and a growl of displeasure arrives in his throat as he twirls around with a massive over hand chop as he moves to finish him in a single blow...


    Activate Finishing Move
    activate wand wraithstrike as swift (1d20+10)[24] VS 20

    - if it works power attack for 15
    (1d20+16)[26] Vs Touch damage (1d10+53)[62] + (14d6)[49]

    - if the wand doesn't work power attack for 6
    (1d20+25)[31] damage (1d10+35)[37] + (14d6)[46]

    Then move casually into the centre of the room standing in Robilar's Gambit

    As the adept is brually bloodied he moves into the centre of the room readying against more attacks...


    Move 15ft away
    Enter Robilar's Gambit stance

    AoO's - No wraith strike
    (1d20+30)[45] damage (1d10+35)[40]
    (1d20+30)[33] damage (1d10+35)[42]
    (1d20+30)[49] damage (1d10+35)[44]

    AoO's - With wraithstrike
    (1d20+21)[25] Vs Touch damage (1d10+53)[60]
    (1d20+21)[24] Vs Touch damage (1d10+53)[57]
    (1d20+21)[36] Vs Touch damage (1d10+53)[63]

  24. - Top - End - #24
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    The Unconquered Sun Temple boasts that their adepts are superior to Four Seasons adepts, and perhaps this is why the adepts felt secure in using a tactic that would bring them within reach of the Masters' weapons. Most of them will never make that mistake again. The adept in front of Belcor dances back out of the way of his strikes by a slim margin, and the one behind him moves forward to compensate, at which point the Master of Winter skewers him in the chest and drops him. The adept glares furiously at Belcor and counterattacks with all his strength. Twin cries of pain rise from the east as the Master of Summer fries the two adepts next to him, lighting the clutter below him aflame as he does so. The Master of Autumn's powerful blow bisects his target at the shoulder.

    Adept al-Wazra calls out "Masters! I am no match for the leader; I will go ahead and attempt to pursue the escaping Unconquered Sun adepts." Suiting actions to words, she rushes up to the northeast tunnel and runs out of sight.

    Over by the Master of Spring, the leader is proving more troublesome than his underlings. A slight smirk creases his face, and he laughs away Torog's threat as he easily avoids the goliath's strikes. "Traitor? No, false Master, it is you who has betrayed the True Temple's path, as have your compatriots. If you are truly the inheritors of Reshar's legacy, I would not be able to handle you four so easily, would I? Speaking of which...." He stares down the Master of Spring, waiting for a pause in Torog's assault. Suddenly, the leader's eyes narrow into tiger-like slits and he bursts into motion, ducking past the Master of Spring toward the other three Masters.

    He flicks his wrist in a certain way as he does so, and his sword of lightning extends from a foot to several yards in length. He rushes through the room, taking a slash at every Master he passes, some more than once. The force of his blows threaten to unbalance his targets, and he seems to take great joy in attempting to shove you all around. Ending up opposite his starting position, he flicks his wrist again and his blade shrinks to its original size, at which point he drops back into his defensive crouch. "So much for the vaunted skill of Four Seasons adepts."

    The last adept uses Rabid Wolf Strike against Belcor, then 5-foot steps away.
    Attack: (1d20+25)[33]; Damage: (3d6+16)[22]

    The leader moves to two squares above Four, then to the southeast corner of the bonfire, then two squares south, then to his current position as part of his movement. (I really should have put row and column coordinates on this map. Next time.) He automatically passes the Tumble check to avoid AoOs, and he initiates Dancing Mongoose when standing next to the bonfire. You recognize the transformation the leader undergoes as the mark of a Bloodclaw Master, but you don't recognize whatever technique he uses to move and attack you all.

    Attacks vs. Torog
    Attack: (1d20+25)[31]; Damage: (3d6+10)[18] plus (1d6)[5] electricity
    --Free trip attempt: leader (1d20+7)[8] vs. Torog (1d20+15)[35]
    Attack: (1d20+25)[38]; Damage: (3d6+10)[22] plus (1d6)[1] electricity
    --Free trip attempt: leader (1d20+7)[12] vs. Torog (1d20+15)[30]

    Attacks vs. Four
    Attack: (1d20+25)[45]; Damage: (3d6+10)[21] plus (1d6)[3] electricity
    --Free trip attempt: leader (1d20+7)[9] vs. Four (1d20+7)[18]
    Attack: (1d20+25)[42]; Damage: (3d6+10)[20] plus (1d6)[5] electricity
    --Free trip attempt: leader (1d20+7)[25] vs. Four (1d20+7)[10]

    Attack vs. Abd
    Attack: (1d20+25)[34]; Damage: (3d6+10)[25] plus (1d6)[2] electricity
    --Free trip attempt: leader (1d20+7)[24] vs. Abd (1d20+8)[11]

    Attack vs. Belcor
    Attack: (1d20+25)[34]; Damage: (3d6+10)[18] plus (1d6)[6] electricity
    --Free trip attempt: leader (1d20+7)[9] vs. Belcor (1d20+5)[25]

    None of his attacks are made while within the reach of any of the Masters, so while he Robilar's Gambit none of the attacks can land.
    Last edited by PairO'Dice Lost; 2012-03-08 at 01:39 PM.
    Better to DM in Baator than play in Celestia
    You can just call me Dice; that's how I roll.

    Spoiler: Sig of Holding

    Quote Originally Posted by abadguy View Post
    Darn you PoDL for making me care about a bunch of NPC Commoners!
    Quote Originally Posted by Chambers View Post
    I'm pretty sure turning Waterdeep into a sheet of glass wasn't the best win condition for that fight. We lived though!
    Quote Originally Posted by MaxiDuRaritry View Post
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    Map--Round 2
    Better to DM in Baator than play in Celestia
    You can just call me Dice; that's how I roll.

    Spoiler: Sig of Holding

    Quote Originally Posted by abadguy View Post
    Darn you PoDL for making me care about a bunch of NPC Commoners!
    Quote Originally Posted by Chambers View Post
    I'm pretty sure turning Waterdeep into a sheet of glass wasn't the best win condition for that fight. We lived though!
    Quote Originally Posted by MaxiDuRaritry View Post
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    Where are my Like, Love, and Want to Have Your Manchildren (Totally Homo) buttons for this post?
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    TWO full attacks and not ONE hit? Its on. Also, Torog has displacement up, so 50% miss chance

    (1d100)[82] low misses

    also, previously forgot the +2 Str from enlarge person. Added now.

    Torog easily resists his foes clumsy trip attempts. He turns, reassessing the threat. Armored sinews flex, propelling the mass of flesh and metal into the air as he strikes at the opposing master.

    leap attack moving 35' down and 5' right, jump check (1d20+26)[36], jump ignores difficult terrain (he moves as far as possible before jumping, so it should be an auto-pass. Goliaths make standing jumps at no penalty

    leap attack gives triple PA damage, using shock trooper for accuracy (so AC = 31-16 (14 shock trooper, 2 charge)=15

    PA for full (14)

    attack (1d20+31)[48] (28 + 1 (str from enlarge) +2 charge
    damage (4d6+61)[81] (19 base, 14*3 for PA)
    bullrush check (1d20+27)[32]
    directing him into the wall, (4d6+24)[40] damage

    Robilar's gambit
    AOO1 (1d20+31)[39] (28 + 1 (str from enlarge) +2 charge
    damage (4d6+61)[72] (19 base, 14*3 for PA)
    bullrush check (1d20+27)[43]
    directing him into the wall, (4d6+24)[33] damage

    AOO2 (1d20+31)[50] (28 + 1 (str from enlarge) +2 charge
    damage (4d6+61)[68] (19 base, 14*3 for PA)
    bullrush check (1d20+27)[41]
    directing him into the wall, (4d6+24)[36] damage

    AOO3 (1d20+31)[48] (28 + 1 (str from enlarge) +2 charge
    damage (4d6+61)[70] (19 base, 14*3 for PA)
    bullrush check (1d20+27)[38]
    directing him into the wall, (4d6+24)[39] damage

    AOO4 (1d20+31)[35] (28 + 1 (str from enlarge) +2 charge
    damage (4d6+61)[73] (19 base, 14*3 for PA)
    bullrush check (1d20+27)[31]
    directing him into the wall, (4d6+24)[35] damage
    Last edited by stack; 2012-03-05 at 04:03 PM.

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    Default Re: Masters of the Nine Swords [IC]

    Leaking caustic fluids the Warforged vaults to his feet, massive servos of black steel powering him to his feet as then levels the Blade at the enemy leader and brings forth the power of Kamate and a massiv blast of lightning zaps towards him...


    Lightning (10d6)[36] Ref DC 14 for half

    With vanguard treads my resist trip is better and I get +5 on opposed rolls for Warblade. I still lost once... just not as badly

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Titan in the Playground
    PairO'Dice Lost's Avatar

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    Default Re: Masters of the Nine Swords [IC]

    Concern and a little bit of fear breaks through the leader's confident façade as he sees both a crackling bolt of lightning and a gigantic goliath hurtling through the air toward him. He jerks out of the way of the lightning as best he can, then whips up his magical weapon, which streaks through the air to intercept Torog's lunge.

    leader Ref save vs. lightning: (1d20+21)[38]

    AoO 1: (1d20+25)[38]; attack misses on a 1-50 on d%: (1d100)[98]
    If it hits, Torog must make a Ref save (1d20+12)[30] vs. 10 + damage rolled (10 + (4d6+10)[25]) or stop moving.

    AoO 2: (1d20+25)[36]; attack misses on a 1-50 on d%: (1d100)[58]
    If it hits, if previous AoO stopped Torog, attack deals (4d6+10)[19] damage and attempts to trip Torog (leader (1d20+7)[23] vs. Torog (1d20+16)[21]), else Torog must make a Ref save (1d20+12)[23] vs. 10 + that damage or stop moving.

    EDIT: Torog stops moving, drops prone in the 2x2 square directly west of Abd, takes the damage from AoO 2, and takes extra fire damage from the fire in that space which I'll roll in the OOC thread.

    The weapon strikes the Master of Spring in the chest, stopping his charge cold and battering him with the sudden impact. The goliath drops to the ground with a massive, resounding crash, crushing part of the bonfire beneath his bulk. The leader's knowing smirk is back, all trace of fear erased from his expression.
    Last edited by PairO'Dice Lost; 2012-03-08 at 01:39 PM.
    Better to DM in Baator than play in Celestia
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    Quote Originally Posted by abadguy View Post
    Darn you PoDL for making me care about a bunch of NPC Commoners!
    Quote Originally Posted by Chambers View Post
    I'm pretty sure turning Waterdeep into a sheet of glass wasn't the best win condition for that fight. We lived though!
    Quote Originally Posted by MaxiDuRaritry View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by PairO'DiceLost View Post
    Where are my Like, Love, and Want to Have Your Manchildren (Totally Homo) buttons for this post?
    Won a cookie for this, won everything for this

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Masters of the Nine Swords [IC]

    Abd watches in amazement as the opposing master effortlessly ignores the best efforts of his fellow masters.

    What indignity is this! He thinks to himself and then the man runs through the room faster than the eye, with his strange weapon.

    He ran to Abd and tried to hit the floating Master of Summer, but could not find the right hole in his defense before he moved on striking at another Master.

    Shaking his head at the tenacity of this one man he whispers to the wind "May the Desert Wind take you far from here"

    And with that he sets foot onto the floor and takes of flames spurting from his heals as he moves. He moves past the opposing master with ease and then back again through his space landing on the other side of him delivering a strike.


    Swift action boots of speed
    full round action, initiate Salamander Charge, Auto succeeds on Tumble checks (+29) to avoid aoo's, movement with haste is 70 (140 w/ charge)
    He takes Fire Damage - (7d6+8)[32]
    Charge Attack - (1d20+23)[39]
    Damage - (1d6+11)[13] + Fire Damage - (1d6+1)[6]
    AC vs Leader is 38 for this round (38 + 1 haste + 1 desert dodge - 2 charge)

    Last edited by BelGareth; 2012-03-05 at 08:26 PM.

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  30. - Top - End - #30
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Masters of the Nine Swords [IC]

    Thoughts of who to engage, the leader or the adept plague Belcor for a second. In the end, even the weak can be dangerous when backed into a corner. Belcor takes a single step putting the adept back within range of him, and the attacks, hoping to use a weak spot to finish his young enemy.


    Ruby Nightmare Blade

    Attack (1d20+20)[30]
    Concentration (1d20+28)[37]

    Damage (1d6+5)[10]
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