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    Ettin in the Playground
    Zeta Kai's Avatar

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    Default Ewww... That's just NASTY!! [Creature]

    I'm not sure if this has been done, but it seems pretty obvious to me.

    Golem, Dung
    Large Construct
    Hit Dice: 12d10+30 (112HP)
    Initiative: -2
    Speed: 20’ (4 squares, cannot run)
    Armor Class: 17 (-1 size, -2 Dex, +10 natural); touch 7; flat-footed 17
    Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+19
    Attack: Slam +13 melee (2d10+6)
    Full Attack: Slam +13 melee (2d10+6)
    Space/Reach: 10’/10’
    Special Attacks: Berserk, Dung Spray, Nauseous Aura
    Special Qualities: Construct traits; Damage Reduction 10/Bludgeoning; Darkvision 60’; Immunity to Magic; Low-Light Vision
    Saves: Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +4
    Abilities: Str 22 (+6), Dex 7 (-2), Con -- (+0), Int -- (+0), Wis 11 (+0), Cha 1 (-5)
    Skills: N/A
    Feats: N/A
    Environment: any
    Organization: solitary or pile (2-5)
    Challenge Rating: 8
    Treasure: N/A
    Alignment: always Neutral
    Level Adjustment: N/A

    This disgusting being has a crudely-shape humanoid body made from dung, ranging from desiccated droppings to fresh wet fecal matter. A swarm of flies buzz around its shapeless mass as waves of nearly-visible stench waft from the foul automaton. It wears no clothing whatsoever.

    Made by only the most perverse tribal shamans or zealous devil-worshippers, Dung Golems are the poorly-made bastardizations of more traditional golems. Only vaguely resembling a living creature, they look much more like what they really are: big heaps of manure.

    A Dung Golem cannot speak or make any vocal noise. It walks and moves with a slow, clumsy gait. It stands about 8˝’ tall & weighs almost 700 pounds.

    Golems are tenacious in combat and prodigiously strong as well. Being mindless, they do nothing without orders from their creators. They follow instructions explicitly & are incapable of any strategy or tactics. They are emotionless in combat & cannot be provoked.

    A golem’s creator can command it if the golem is within 60’ & can see & hear its creator. If not commanded, a golem usually follows its last instruction to the best of its ability, though if attacked it returns the attack. The creator can give the golem a simple command to govern its actions in his or her absence. The golem’s creator can order the golem to obey the commands of another person (who might in turn place the golem under someone else’s control, & so on), but the golem’s creator can always resume control over his creation by commanding the golem to obey him alone.

    Berserk (Ex): when a Dung Golem enters combat, there is a cumulative 1% chance each round that its elemental spirit breaks free & the golem goes berserk; the uncontrolled golem goes on a rampage, attacking the nearest living creature or smashing some object smaller than itself if no creature is within reach, then moving on to spread more destruction; once a Dung Golem goes berserk, no known method can reestablish control; it takes 1 minute of inactivity by the golem to reset the golem’s berserk chance to 0%

    Dung Spray (Ex): once every 1d6+4 rounds, a Dung Golem can emit a 40’ cone of watery dung from its hands; all creatures struck by this fetid spray must succeed a Fortitude save (DC16) or be knocked prone; they must also succeed a Fortitude save (DC12) or become nauseated for 1d4+3 rounds

    Nauseous Aura (Ex): a Dung Golem smells so foul that all creatures within 20’ must make a Fortitude save (DC12) each round or become sickened for 1 round; also, any creature that comes in contact with the Dung Golem must succeed a Fortitude save (DC12) or become nauseated for 1d4+3 rounds

    Immunity to Magic (Ex): a Dung Golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance

    A Dung Golem’s body must be sculpted from a single well-packed heap of fresh manure weighing at least 1,000 pounds; this manure must be collected from Magical Beasts only, & treated with a rare fragrant oil worth 700GP. Creating the body requires a Craft: Sculpting check (DC15); it also requires hourly Fortitude saves (DC12) to resist becoming nauseated by the rank odor.

    CL 12th; Craft Construct, animate objects, commune, limited wish, transmute mud to rock, caster must be at least 12th level; Price 55,000GP; Cost 27,500GP + 2,200XP.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Troll in the Playground
    BisectedBrioche's Avatar

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    Default Re: Ewww... That's just NASTY!! [Creature]

    I just spent the afternoon shoveling donkey ****, I can honestly say that that thing's pure evil.
    Last edited by BisectedBrioche; 2007-07-28 at 10:18 AM.
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  3. - Top - End - #3
    Orc in the Playground
    Fualkner Asiniti's Avatar

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    Default Re: Ewww... That's just NASTY!! [Creature]

    I saw a dung elemental, but not a golem... Good monster Zeta!
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  4. - Top - End - #4
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Ewww... That's just NASTY!! [Creature]

    The Excremental

    Awesome avatar by Kurnour

    "Is it true that God answers all prayers?"

    "Yes...sometimes the answer is 'no'."

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  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Ewww... That's just NASTY!! [Creature]

    I think that this creature needs the ability to be harmed by Gust of Wind and similar spells.

    Birdman of the Church of Link's Hat

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Ewww... That's just NASTY!! [Creature]



    This could certainly bring a certain flavour to some areas of a setting.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Ewww... That's just NASTY!! [Creature]

    Someone had to collect 700 pounds of Owlbear dung to make this, guys. The creator of this needs a +30 bonus to Workaholic.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Ewww... That's just NASTY!! [Creature]

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryopyre View Post
    The Excremental
    Dammit, that's brilliant!

    *slaps forehead*

    I wish that I had thought of that.
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2007-07-28 at 10:38 PM.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Ewww... That's just NASTY!! [Creature]

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeta Kai View Post
    Dammit, that's brilliant!

    *slaps forehead*

    I wish that I had thought of that.
    Don't give me too much credit, it's from "Dogma" the movie

    Awesome avatar by Kurnour

    "Is it true that God answers all prayers?"

    "Yes...sometimes the answer is 'no'."

    "Then how do you tell the difference between any answer and the answer no?"


  10. - Top - End - #10
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Ewww... That's just NASTY!! [Creature]

    Oh, you mean the Golgothan ---- Demon! Yeah, that was sort of the inspiration for this. Although I do not recall them refering to it as an Excremental. Great name, anyway. If this critter were an Elemental & not a Golem, I'd name it that instead.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Ewww... That's just NASTY!! [Creature]

    great, I'll be yoinking this now to send after my party later.

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